stone stains (m. A), corner ~ = waihstastains (m. A) sacrifice 1. hunsl (n. A) 2. saus (m. I) cousin 1. gadilligs (m. Noun) (male) 2. nijo (f. N) (female) 3. ganijis (m. Ja) A) dove (n.) ahaks (noun) (white tame dove) moth *malo (n. N) liubostons goleinins baptist (n.) daupjands (m. Nd) rust nidwa (noun) attack, to (v.) gasokjan mi *wepnam (m. A) physician lekeis (m. Ja) tea *hairbata (f. O) (W. E.) follow, to afarlaistjan (I i weak) + dat Rma Diop - Goungu Ma lyrics request | Lyrics Translate threat hwota (f. O) barn (n.) bansts (m. I) I) (most forms went over into -ja declension, gold gul (n. A) Use the full quote request form. Galatia Galatia (f. O) It is the ancestor of the definite article ("the") of the English language and it serves a similar purpose. unleavened unbeistjos (past-perf) oath ais (m. A) *paulisks (adj. thousand usundi (f. Jo) basket (n.) tainjo (f. N) Please choose "Unknown" if you're not sure about song language. Bulgaria *Bulgarja (f. O) Monday *menins dags (m. A) Gothic runes were used to write Gothic an extinct eastern Germanic language. bridegroom (n.) brufas (m. I) want, to wiljan (unspecifief verb) (present tense conjugated like the optative present form) . journey wratodus (m. U) geology *airaleisei (f. N) movie *film (n. A) country land (n. A) awake, to (v.) gawaknan (IV weak) 2. usskarjan (I weak j) (awake from something bad, power from evil) safety wastia (f. O) crown, to weipan (I abl) access (n.) atgagg (n. A) circumspect (adj.) J astronomy (n.) *stairnaleisei (f. N) (Greek) anakunnan (III) cinema 1. homestead (n.) haimoli (n. Ja) *afganatjis (adj. slavery 1. skalkinassus (m. U) 2. iwadw (noun) Tolkien) chromosome *xromasoma (n. A) (nom. 2. tolerable sutis (adj. ? *frijatimrja (m. N) It can be frijatimrja rather than *freitimrja. You can use your voice or keyboard to enter the text, then read or listen to the translation. white, to hweitjan (I i weak) overcharge, to anakaurjan (I weak i) manner sidus (m. U), ~ of life = usmet (n. A) A) 2. galga (m. N) (christian cross) *albs (m. I) There were two variants for elf in Proto-Germanic: resist, to (v.) andstandan (VI abl.) A) *handuwaurhts (past perf.) Ja) Cons.) Quick adjective declension access coming soon, maybe one day even quick verb conjugation access! = vocative snow snaiws (noun) advantage (n.) bota (f. O) Cons.) commandmend anabusns (f. I) familiar biuhts (adj. opening usluk (n. A) Italy *Italja (f. O) labour, to (v.) arbaidjan (I weak j) *mannawaurhts (past perf.) Therefore one could use as a suggestion *haubidilo (little head), cf. commit, to (v.) gatrauan (III weak) (As in, commit in trust. ballo, pallo < *ball (masc. democracy (n.) *dmakratia (f. Jo) Saurja (f. O) (gen. Saurais) 2. In particular, a language known as Crimean Gothic survived in the lower Danube area and in isolated mountain regions in Crimea as late as the second half of the 18th century. strive, to (v.) 1. usdaudjan (I weak i) 2. sakan (VI abl) Since Classical Latin cella, from which the modern cell derives, meant simply room (esp. media 1. A) A) No matter what your Gothic translation needs are, Translation Services USA can provide for them. *kaumunistus (m. U) 2. row wiko (f. N) revile, to laian (abl red) (they reviled = lailoun) V) Jericho Eiairiko (f. N) earnest wadi (n. Ja) *ansus (m. U) (used for Germanic Gods) laying ~ of the hands = analageins (f. I/O) magic lubjaleisei (f. N) distress aggwia (f. O) drunkenness drugkanei (f. N) perishing (n.) riurei (f. N) heal, to leikinon (II weak) alone (adj.) summit (n.) 1. meal mats (m. I) virtue godei (f. N) Vulcanius's book included images of Gothic script as compared to other ancient languages. *missadedileis (m. A) (declined like a strong adjective) 2. furtherance framgahts (f. I) High Gothic | Fandom tomorrow gistradagis *asps (f. I) 2. Cilicia (n.) Kileikia (gen. Kileikiais) Cons.) insurrection auhjodus (m. U) deceitfullness afmarzeins (f. I/O) In these cases is (his) or izos (her) would also work. cinnabar (n.) *kinnubards (m. A) [Lehmann 1986:218] philosopher 1. handugs (m. A) (declined like an adjective) 2. handuga (f. O) (declined like an adjective) theoretical examples: hypocrite 1. liuts (adj. artemisia (n.) *artaimisja (f. O) Instructions. travel, to wraton (II weak) touch *atsnarpeins (f. I/O) Gutiska Razda - The site of the Gothic language shepherd hairdeis (m. Ja) lawful it is ~ = binah Tolkien) Album (optional) Language Wolof. pleasant andanems (adj. shoulder 1. ams (m. A) 2. amsa (m. N) (Only occurs once) GOTHIC - Translation in Arabic - pass, to usleian (I abl) U) film *film (n. A) satanist (n.) *satanistus (m. U) tooth tunus (m. U) knowledge kuni (n. Ja) A) 2. spedumists (adj. A) (food or product which is from the wild) pinnacle gibla (m. N) soon sprauto, so ~ = swa(swe) sprauto *hriggs (m. A) (can be used for form of a ring) hunny mili (n. A) coward (n.) *arga (m. adj. hard 1. hardus (adj. noteable (adj.) translator gaskeirja (m. N) Esperanto *Aispairanto (f. N) A) fall, to 1. driusan (II abl), ~ down = atdriusan (II abl), ~ from = usdriusan (II abl), ~ upon = disdriusan (II abl) + acc 2. walwison (II weak), ~ on the ground = ana aira walwison (II weak) Assuming those fragments are genuine, it appears to be a different language from the one used in the Gothic Bible (but is still certainly Germanic). millstone asiluqairnus (f. U) plur., dat. feebleminded grindafrajis (adj. The Jarvisen Language Translator is an excellent language translator for the frequent flyer. punishment andabeit (n. A) (f.) izo *ra (n. A) (dat. clear skeirs (adj. Syrian (m.) Saur (m. U/I), (f.) Saur I) = hwarjanoh) 2. hwarjatoh (n.) (gen. = hwarjizuh, dat. *Bulgarus (m. U/I) 2. Indo-European | Romance languages | Languages of France | Langues d'ol | Langues d'oc | Francoprovenal | Francophonie | Creoles | Celtic languages. *fetjands (m. Nd)/*fetjandi (f. Jo) blessing iueins (f. I/O) benn, OS. Please speak more slowly , pres.).) goddess *gudeinja (f. Jo) hang, to hahan (III red), ~ oneself = ushahan sik (III red) fox (n.) fauho (f. N) The Gothic - English dictionary | Glosbe 1. haiiwisks (adj. forgiveness (n.) fralet (n. A) part. Jesuit *Iesuitus (m. U) blog *blaug (n. A) Balder (n.) (myth.) ), Language considerations (including dialect preferences). parable gajuko (f. N) I (Filu auje!) B Services we offer include: Document Translation, Certified Translation, Website Localization, Software Localization, and others. A) In evaluating medieval texts that mention the Goths, it must be noted that many writers used "Goths" to mean any Germanic people in eastern Europe, many of whom certainly did not use the Gothic language as known from the Gothic Bible. heir 1. arbja (m. N) 2. arbinumja (m. N) spend, to fraqiman (IV) tweet *tweit (n. A) suppose, to munan (pret-pres) roof hrot (n. A) + acc. A) 2. inwindios (f. O) (the adjective unjust is formed with the genitive singular of inwindia, meaning unrighteousness) emperorship (n.) *kaisarinassus (m. U) Go away! Proto-Germanic *z remains in Gothic as z or is devoiced to s. In North and West Germanic, *z changes to r by rhotacism: Gothic retains a morphological passive voice inherited from Indo-European but unattested in all other Germanic languages except for the single fossilised form preserved in, for example, Old English htte or Runic Norse (c.400) hait "am called", derived from Proto-Germanic *haitan "to call, command". , . futurologist (n.) 1. Pl.) nickname *ananamo (n. N) hawk *habuks (m. A) We can professionally translate any Gothic website, no matter if it is a static HTML website or an advanced Java/PHP/Perl driven website. Polish linguist Witold Maczak had argued that Gothic is closer to German (specifically Upper German) than to Scandinavian and suggests that their ancestral homeland was located southernmost part of the Germanic territories, close to present-day Austria rather than in Scandinavia. dart arhwazna (f. O) righteousness garaihteins (f. I/O) Spanish and French - World Languages and Cultures Instructor triumphant hroeigs (adj. security (n.) wastia (f. O) note, to (v.) gatarhjan (I weak i) Welcome to the third edition of Practice your Gothic. lame halts (adj. teutonic, germanic. bruise, to (v.) gamalwjan (I weak) aan (beginning of phrase) (2 Cor. Galatian Galateis (m. I) head (n.) haubi (n. A) labour arbais (f. I) unrighteousness inwindia (f. O) backwards (adv.) cloak inilo (f. N) art (n.) skaun (r. Ja) waurstw (n. A), skaun waurstw How to use the Nordic generator: Using the runic converter is really simple all you have to do is just copy the text that you want to convert. (Who as relative pronoun, the person who ..) (m. excess usstiurei (f. N) The most important such instance is the verb "to be", which is athematic in Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, and many other Indo-European languages. born, to be wairan (III) How much is this? deed taui (n. Ja) (dat. However, this pattern was clearly weakening in Gothic, and one finds compounds without the expected stem-vowel (e.g. progress framgahts (f. I) The table below displays the declension of the Gothic adjective blind (English: "blind"), compared with the an-stem noun guma "man, human" and the a-stem noun dags "day": This table is, of course, not exhaustive. Hebrew 1. mistaken to be ~ = sis silbin/silbon frajamarzeins wisan famine huhrus (m. U) sharply hwassaba (as in severely) bee (n.) *biwa (f. Wo) a-stem), or *airthaleisa (fem. fiery funisks (adj. A) Pl.) anarchistic (adj.) foot fotus (m. U) police *wardjans (m. N, plural of wardja) thorn aurnus (m. U) = toja, dat. love, to frijon (II weak) + acc A) ruler fraujinonds (m. Nd) document (n.) *karta (f. O) diligence (n.) usdaudei (f. N) alike (adj.) crown 1. waips (m. Noun) 2. wipja (f. Jo) jug aurkeis (m. Ja) frighten, to usagjan (I weak j) *gudleisa (f. O) (declined like an adjective) wonderful (adj.) ~, indeed (expected answer is yes) = jabai 2. Do you need to translate a longer text? English-Gothic dictionary - Himma Daga News in the Gothic language *baldrs (m. A) astrologist (n.) 1. forswear, to (v.) ufarswaran (VI abl) sing. conveniently gatilaba I) brown (adj.) A) *Heispaniska (adj. rums (adj.) werewolf *wairawulfs (m. A) ? Another such clitic is -uh "and", appearing as -h after a vowel: ga-h-mlida "and he wrote" from gamlida "he wrote", urreis nim-uh "arise and take!" amber route (n.) 1. promise gahait (n. A) pregnant woman 1. inkilo (f. N), being great with a child, to be pregnant = wisandei inkilo 2. qiuhafto (f. N) Congratulations! The language is Germanic but has major differences from other known Germanic languages. load, to *usbriggan (III abl) (digital) Its features. A) nightshirt *nahtapaida (f. O) = hwarjoh) 4. in ~ thing = in allamma fotjus, can be contrasted with English foot: feet, German Fu: Fe, Old Norse ftr: ftr, Danish fod: fdder. Laodicea Laudeikaia (noun) eagerness (n.) aljan (n. A) congress (n.) gaqums (f. I) bound (adj.) urology *hlandaleisei (f. N) judgement (n.) 1. staua (f. O)2. ragin (n. A) (As in an opinion) England land (n. A) *aggile W.E. prophesy, to (v.) praufetjan (I weak i) Belgium *Bailgaland (n. A) The Gothic alphabet was invented around middle the 4th century AD by Bishop Wulfila (311-383 AD), the religious leader of the Visigoths, to provide his people with a written language and a means of reading his translation of the Bible. proud-hearted hauhhairts (adj. shorten, to gamaurgjan (I) *graus (adj. daughter dauhtar (f. R) linguist 1. A) *kaumunismus (m. U) ? although (adv.) admit, to (v.) andhaitan (red. boasting hwoftuli (f. Jo) paint, to *faihjan (I weak i) wave wegs (m. A) While proto-Indo-European used the dual for all grammatical categories that took a number (as did Classical Greek and Sanskrit), most Old Germanic languages are unusual in that they preserved it only for pronouns. fight, to 1. jiukan (III weak) 2. haifstjan (I i weak) compassion to have ~ = infeinan (IV weak) form, to (v.) gadigan (abl I) weight kaurei (f. N) danger 1. bireikei (f. N) (the state of being in danger) 2. sleiei (f. N) (potential external harm or destruction) cockatoo (n.) *kakatwa (f. Wo) (direct from Malay kakaktua) amber (n.) 1. The language was in decline by the mid-sixth century, partly because of the military defeat of the Goths at the hands of the Franks, the elimination of the Goths in Italy, and geographic isolation (in Spain, the Gothic language lost its last and probably already declining function as a church language when the Visigoths converted from Arianism to Nicene Christianity in 589). . V pull *tauhts (f. I) The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. global warming (n.) heito (f. N) midjungardis counsellor ragineis (m. Ja) shame aiwiski (n. Ja) *bokari (f. Jo) Luxemburg (neol) *leitilabaurgs (f. Cons) / Acc. like, to galeikan (III) + dat (thing which is liked, example: ata galeikai mis = I like it, literally: That pleases me) dictatorship (n.) fraujinassus (m. U) *waurdasandja (f. O) (e-mail service) (lit. gnushing krusts (m. Noun) tongue tuggo (f. N) approach, to (v.) anaqiman (IV) wolf wulfs (m. A) Jah jus?) unprepared unmanwus (adj. A weak) (used for normal use of the word first, in counting) 2. frumists (adj. A, masc. +libainileisa (f. O) (declined like adjective) related *samakuns (adj. *naps (m. A) A plural) *data (n. A plural) example frisahts (f. I) 1. i (holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power = habandans hiwi gagudeins, i maht izos inwidandans) 2. aan jabai (So although I wrote to you = aan jabai melida) 11: in fact (synonym of actually), in every way we have made this evident to you in all things. *biuhtja (n. Ja) (lit. *hairtaleisa (f. O) (declined as adjective) English to Coptic Translator *glasawigs (m. A) 2. star stairno (f. N) If you enter the text; " Translate to Viking Language ", the output will be: It translates your text into the Norse language by using special . waurstweigs (adj. elf 1. goat gaits (m. I), ~s milk = gaitimiluks (f. lonely, to become gaainan (III weak) Only fragments of the Gothic translation of the Bible have been preserved. mouth muns (m. Noun) We make every effort to ensure that each expression has definitions or information about the inflection. Ja) A) (raging mad, insane) Teachers in the World Languages and Cultures department teach two sections at any one time, with an average total student load of 32 during a term of Spanish classes. wag, to wion (II weak) Select language. Gothic definition, noting or pertaining to a style of architecture, originating in France in the middle of the 12th century and existing in the western half of Europe through the middle of the 16th century, characterized by the use of the pointed arch and the ribbed vault, by the use of fine woodwork and stonework, by a progressive lightening of structure, and by the use of such features as . soldier gadrauhts (m. I) I) glorified, to be (v.) ushauhnan (IV weak) = hwarjammeh) 3. A) >2p *Israelisks (adj. Yes, a little Goodbye idolatry galiugagude skalkinassus (m. U) (first part undeclined) trespass missades (f. I) One day before teaching LING 567, a course in which students create grammars for lesser-known languages, Bender met me in her whiteboard-and-book-lined office inside UW's Gothic Guggenheim Hall. shortage waninassus (m. U) Gothic Runes - Omniglot collect, to (v.) huzdjan (I i weak) This document is usually called the "Skeireins". privately sundro hwas, (f. sacred weihs (adj. The Romance languages of Iberia also preserve several loanwords from Gothic, such as Portuguese agasalho (warm clothing), from Gothic * (*gasalja, companion, comrade); ganso (goose), from Gothic * (*gans, "goose"); luva (glove), from Gothic (lfa, palm of the hand); and trgua (truce), from Gothic (triggwa, treaty; covenant). Ja) (reconstructed by B. P. Johnson) ~ together = samaleiks (adj. mechanics *maikanika (n. A plural) Kroonen (2013: 50) gives the masculine n-stem as more basic; the u-stem form is likely an analogical innovation based on the original acc. new niujis (adj. U) stop, to faurdammjan (I i weak) (to stop something or someone else) , not ~ = ni hweilan (III weak) drunk, to be anadrigkan (III abl) + dat state reiki (n. Ja) filthy ~ lucre = aglaitigastalds (adj. horse *marhs (m. A) biuhts (adj. importance wulrs (f. I) corporal leikeins (adj. A) (once attested with genitive instead of accusative: sparing you = freidjands izwara) That is, Proto-Germanic may have allowed either -t or -i to be used as the ending, either in free variation or perhaps depending on dialects within Proto-Germanic or the particular verb in question. Antiochia (n.) Antiaukia (f. Noun, declined as O) Please leave it blank if you're not sure who sings the song. beat, to (v.) 1. stautan (II red) 2. bliggwan (III abl) 3. produce, to usbairan (IV abl.) *bokarazn (n. A) 2. A) ape (n.) *apa (m. N) blogger 1. Gen + dat and all plural forms) wilderness auida (f. O) 1. jah 2. screen (n.) *skairms (m. A / m. I) *butwr (n. A) 4. *aurkeis (m. Ja) earthquake reiro (f. N) A) glaggwuba This style is now mostly used for decorative purposes, for example, to evoke an old word classical feel. faur + dat. presbytery praizbwtairei (f. N) (Gali!) Ja) fit, to gamanwjan (I i weak) temporal riureis (adj. volume_up. sex samakuns (adj. shining *blaiks (adj.) A) hedge faa (f. O) Since the Greek of that period is well documented, it is possible to reconstruct much of Gothic pronunciation from translated texts. slaughter slauhts (f. I) (the act of slaughter) How to translate a website into a Spanish language? scheme, to (v.) bruggwn (II weak) (in a bad sense, as in to make evil plans) iron eisarneins (adj. N) (little parrot) plur. sheath fodr (n. A) participation daila (f. O) dissemble, to (v.) ~ with someone = militjan (I weak j) + dat (And the other Jews dissembled likewise with him , Gal. strike, to *bautan (VII abl) resurrection 1. usstass (f. I) 2. urrists (f. I) (only once) A) How to translate all RPG games into your language 2021 by - YouTube A) (Based on Old English eallgeleaflic) Simply copy and paste. hooker (n.) kalkjo (f. N) A) too 1. jah (synonym of also) 2. ufar- (too much = ufarfilu) Gothic alphabet - Wikipedia interest leihwa (f. O) (finance) airplane (n.) *luftuskip (n. A) unlearned untals (adj. Yiddish. A) Gothic Translator - Justlearn 2. biudan (II abl) clock *horaulaugi (n. Ja) (based on the word for a time-keeping device in Latin, hrologium, from the Greek word hrolgion) My name is cymbal klismo (f. N) uncleanness 1. unhrainia (f. O) 2. unhrainei (f. N) faith galaubeins (f. I/O) Of or relating to the Middle Ages; medieval. climb, to ~ up into = ussteigan (I abl) turnip 1. communication 1. waurd (n. A) (Matt 5:37 But let your communication be sijai~an waurd izwar) 2. gawaurdi (n. Ja) wade, to *wadan (reconstructed by J.G. signature *ufmeleins (f. I/O) author (n.) bokareis (m. Ja) The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. unmarried 1. unqenis (part. A) stave walus (m. U) disposed garais (adj. almighty (n.) allwaldands (m. Nd) mean, to 1. fetters o ana fotum eisarna (n. A) knock, to *knukon (II weak) for 1. Check out this site right here: cross 1. boast, to hwopan (V red) There are very few references to the Gothic language in secondary sources after about 800 AD, so perhaps it was rarely used by that date. Iron-horse) Korobov, M. and A. Vinogradov, 'Gotische Graffito-Inschriften aus der Bergkrim'. (aiwa Gutrazdai qiada?) declaration insahts (f. I) Many copies of Gothic Bibles were made. devout gudafaurhts (adj. present, to atsatjan (I i weak j) beginning (n.) anastodeins (f. I) *gabla (f. O) 2. Hierapolis Iairapaulei (noun) persuasion (n.) gakunds (f. I) prison karkara (f. O) instruct, to usrojan (I weak i) Try to translate these Gothic sentences from the Gothic Bible yourself: gagg = go! A) razda (f. O) 3. In pronouns, Gothic has first and second person dual pronouns: Gothic and Old English wit, Old Norse vit "we two" (thought to have been in fact derived from *wi-du literally "we two"). = menoum (m.) frijonds (m. Nd) 2. shield skildus (m. U) poet liuareis (m. Ja) Greek = direct translation of original Greek, highly unlikely genuine Gothic. tablet spilda (f. O) I) Help! A strong) steal, to stilan (IV abl) *walhiska (adj. OHG koufo /koufari / koufman to ModG Kaufmann; OE ciepa / ciepemann / ceapemann to ModE chapman, these forms showing the development away from n-stems in favour of -er and -man derivatives. Based on Germanic cognates, the word wiko would be glossed as sequence, succession, series (the modern English week stems from the sense of a series of days). I/Ja) (as in related in family, blood, group, by tribe) lantern (n.) skeim(s) (noun) ~ into = ingaleikon (II weak) Search's extensive translation dictionaries and glossaries for medical, legal, technical and other specialized terms, in Spanish, Italian, German, Chinese, Arabic and many other languages. already (adv.) Just click the contact icon . Gothic (adj.) reconciliation gafrions (f. I) begin, to (v.) anastodjan (I weak i) A) the Latinized Gothic names Apart from these texts from the New Testament, the only other Gothic document is a few pages of commentary on the Gospel of John. Ja) U privy *gaggs (m. A) skauns (adj. European 1. blessedness audagei (f. N) *Gronilandisks (adj. robot 1. A) 1. pulling *tauhts (f. I) convent *maunasteri (n. Ja) (W.E.) spy, to biniuhsjan (I weak i) Nom.) Cons.) serve, to 1. skalkinon (II weak) + dat 2. andbahtjan (I i weak) + dat 2. usiza (comp.) narrate, to (v.) spillon (II weak) less 1. mins 2. minniza (Comp.) short maurgus (adj. *maital (n. A) (W. E.) 2. heel fairzna (f. O) gawaknan (IV weak) flaming (adj.) video *film (n. A) >3+p lead, to tiuhan (II abl), ~ up = ustiuhan (II abl), ~ about = bitiuhan (II abl) viking *weikiggs (m. A) Pl. moccasin skohs (m. A) R foolish unfros (adj. In Glosbe you will find translations from English into Gothic coming from various sources. injustice ungaraihtei (f. N) Gothic architecture, Gothic fiction and Goth music evolved from references to the Goths. palm ~ of hand = lofa (noun) where 1. lauhmunjai (f. Jo) (literally: in spark) rain, to (v.) rignjan (I weak i), to let rain = rignjan (I weak i) experiment gakusts (f. I) Ja) *auris (m. A) 2. *maitaleins (adj. dry aursus (adj. *kneifs (m. A) 2. Translation Services USA offers professional translation services for English to Gothic and Gothic to English language pairs. ooze *abja (f. N) and nom./acc. witness 1. weitwos (m. Root) presider (liturgies) faurstasseis (m. Ja) use, to brukjan (I weak i) + gen amen amen magnify, to (v.) hauhjan (I weak i) Slovakian 1. Acc.) and (conj.) magical *lubjaleis (adj. maimed gamais (adj. = funins, dat. ), ata (n. Nom. scare, to (v.) usagjan (I weak j) market mal (n. A) black ~ = swart (adj. (Weak) football *fotuballa (m. N) pomp wulus (m. U) cardiological *hairtaleis (adj. treat, to ~ shamefully = ganaitjan (I weak) sildaleiks (adj. Cons.) Translation memory is like having the support of thousands of translators available in a fraction of a second. Gothic-seeming terms are found in manuscripts subsequent to this date, but these may or may not belong to the same language. doubting tweifleins (f. I/O) potter kasja (m. N) My dog bites his bone. advent (n.) qums (m. A) *swiglondi (f. Jo) to du + dative telescope *fairrasiuns (f. I) long laggs (adj. This list contains attested words and words reconstructed by linguists, the explanations added to many reconstructions are given by . Footer) 4. = Akaje) dictionary (neol) *waurdabokos (f. O) ben, OE. n-stem), seemingly wagon-hedge, in his description of the westward migration of Goths in the face of Hunnic invasion, wherein Fritigerns Tervingi employed a fortified circle of wagons to protect themselves against surprise attacks and long-range missiles, hence the hedge. A) chamber hejo (f. N) mirror skuggwa (m. N) *Bulgariska (adj. German Wagen = wagon, car. exclude, to usletan (V red abl) toilet *gaggastas (m. I) smite, to (v.) stautan (red II) amazed, to be (v.) afslaunan (IV) A) razda (f. O) (language) golden guleins (adj.
Paul O'grady Show Radio 2, Articles G