520 HP 2100 80 FEB13 latest 206-8735 4, 50 HZ, LO BSFC 254-8121 5 power for power variability problems. Since the flash process erases the file from the personality module before 4640HP@900RPM 18 For example , an ecm I have in front of me 6nz88836 . Only the annunication of the derate has changed. BRAKESAVER UP, ********* 500 HP 1850 PT HIGH RPM PERFORANCE FLASH ONLY ***********, 500 HP 1850 PT 5EK00001 & 126-3887 9 JUN95 1041 @ 1800 RPM 37 code, which will indicate loss of communication REPLACED 295-8794,311-0211,328-5424 Primary Chip Backup Chip Reason 176-6016 176-6018 176-6017 176-6019 5-8 Added Load Cell Startup Lower Limit operating parameter. Version Flash Part No. 851 @ 1500 RPM 68 Replaces 374-2612, PM200/C18 COLD PLANER ACERT 293-4851 17 APR06 Chip Version Reason (Still used on steel pistons), 410 HP 1550@1200 Aluminum pistons 5EK05767-67192 185-1190 330 DEC99 Replaced 248-0777,249-7609,251-4582,264-6696, 430 HP 1550/1750LB-FT MT 2100 RPM KCB00508-5433* 291-2066 35 MAR06 630 HP @ 2100 RPM Version ======================================================================== during testing. 0HP@1500RPM 179-4966 179-4967 HEP1 HEP07579 6TS00001 & UP, 550 HP 1850 PT @ 2100 5EK67193 & UP 186-9926 434 DEC99 550 HP @ 2100 RPM/475 HP @ 1800 RPM REPLACED 248-8778, 3406E Marine A Tier W/ACERT HEAD 271-8681 75 MAY05 latest 206-8731 4, 60 HZ, EMISSIONS *************************************************************************** Primary Reason Code C13 GOV SERIAL NO. FLASH RELEASE C) Fix for intermittent EMSII "!Stop" light flashing. is updated regardless of whether or not engine is running. Replaced N/A, C32 Marine-A Tier ACERT 295-8830 62 SEP06 Primary Service Backup Service Reason Replaced 311-6989,312-1400,314-3434, When replacing a failed ECM the rated fuel update: successful. If an error has occurred then press Program to retry the process. mentioned in Jan 28, 1998 TIB. REPLACED 262-1972,293-7537, 3406E Marine B Tier 307-9880 39 JAN07 176-5980 176-5982 176-5981 176-5983 18,19,20,21 4. Replaced 170-8086, 355 HP 1350 LB-FT 1800 1YN1 UP 190-0242 323 DEC99 strategy checks for engine rotation during cranking and will de-energize the 20. The message Programming the Flash will appear on the left of the progress bar. 245-1984 271-1374,283-1181,290-2169,308-1278, 435 HP 1550/1650 LB-FT M/T 2100 RPM MXS00001-up 329-8533 43 APR08 flashed with NOV95 or newer software because the original personality 1152hp @ 1800rpm Debounce on the oil level switch is now 3 seconds set 520 @ 1500 EPA Cert. Replaced N/A, C32 Marine ACERT SEC 311-0212 56 APR07 Haliburton 180-1736 180-1737 16,18,21,23 REPLACED 299-5799,314-9288 REPLACED 289-9686 Primary Reason Code Replaced 422-6161,340-3618,362-1195,364-6433 Primary Service Backup Service Reason latest 230-5077 230-5078 46 FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) Reduces Replacement Flash Part No. 270-0297,271-2917,291-2019, 350 HP 1350 LB-FT 2100 RPM KCA1457-up 305-4395 35 NOV06 1. 1350 PT, 335/370 HP MT 1800 3CS23000 UP 215-7359 24 JAN02 When the S/N Range Injector P/N Date Code Interlock Flash File Part numbers listed under the "Flash Part No." REPLACED 213-4876,209-1606, 185-2977 185-2978 REPLACED 215-7864,237-0693, 970/1016 HP@1750RPM all future software updates will be "flash only" and dealers must 1136 @ 1500 RPM 17 must be updated to the same part number and the appropriate flash file and etrim 132-3796 132-3797 II 8TC1413-10980 285 EPA 101 1019295-00 268-02 ********************************************************************************, 3508B 1500 RPM VIDS calibration security functionality added for 7PZ and AAF prefix Replacement IC Date, 310 HP 1150 PT 5EK00001 & 129-0227 129-0232 33 AUG95 REPLACED 214-3387,221-9335, REPLACED 214-3349 SEE REHS1385, 775E/3412E Tier II 314-2910 60 MAY07 261-1559,276-8521,303-9556, 245-1954 175 HP @ 2400 7AS 1 and up 246-8248 301 NOV03 REPLACED 194-4989, 3412E Marine E 255-7353 100 APR04 III 4CK1 10214 425@1800 w/o Brksv 21 1457975-00 8. 318-7055,320-0320,326-3632,327-4512, is above the ranges on this list, use the list entitled "3500B Commercial Version Replaced 320-6138,330-4553, 988H/C18 MACH ACERT 332-9423 3 JUN08 442-5646,443-5386,445-9381, C27 IND-C,D,E Tier ACERT PSO 450-5743 SEP13 Flash Part No. Replaced 264-1229, C32 MAR-1800RPM-AUX 433-3603 151 AUG13 for emission certification. ================================================================================ 822 HP @ 2200 RPM Replaced 258-8362,264-7705, 41. 21. 63. 157HP@2200RPM 10 second debounce on air filter restriction derate. C6.6 MACH D6K TTT 437-8736 27 APR13 Flash Part No. Updated Torque maps Flash Part No. Replaces 433-2731, C7.1 MACH-950 MWL 448-5066 5 OCT13 FIELD UPRATE 381 HP 2100 RPM Replaces 242-7149,257-5171,308-5113,343-7087, C13 MACH-620 WTS 138-1305 138-1307 138-1306 138-1308 Multi-Module systems. switch causes a shutdown or engine speed is 50 or 378-7539,385-1165,395-1102,420-4248,423-6599, C-10 INDUSTRIAL A & B RATED, ADEM III,TIER II EMISSIONS applications. 2687 - RH Drive motor speed sensor #1. Include support for Test Cell Throttle PWM input (SRN000029) REPLACED 291-3881, C27 IND CDE TIER ENGINE PSO 450-5743 SEP13 FOR USE WITH FORMER STYLE INJECTORS (174-7526) 800 @ 1440 EPA LoNox Cert. Replaced 282-2076,299-1886 C-16 CLEAN POWER GOV SERIAL NO. 60 HZ, 1200 RPM, CONTINUOUS/PRIME/STANDBY, LO BSFC, JWAC files is listed in the cross reference entitled "3500 with EUI Previous heavy haul software meets all specifications pertaining to performance. ******************************************************************************** Replaces 370-1556,396-6422, C18 MAR-PROP SCAC 447-2911 179 SEP13 Replaced 239-5258,241-8408, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2100 RPM BXS2035-up 305-4522 43 NOV06 signal ECM output. Replaced N/A, ************************************************************************************* ***** HIGH PERFORMANCE AT545 *****, ****** Standard Ratings ***************. Replaced 225-2366, HEP07580 & UP Added Direct Fueling programmable parameter. Testcell Throttle 36. Replaces 242-7151,257-5173,308-5115 149-6138 149-6140 149-6139 149-6141 ************************************************************************ 625 HP@2100/2300 RPM EURO4 348-6573 37/137 Jun09 283-1199,290-2187,308-1290, 550 HP 1850 LB-FT 2300 RPM MXS00001-UP 329-8551 37 APR08 348-4724, 410 HP 1450/1650 LB-FT 2100/2300 RPM LEE00001-UP 337-7341 70/170 OCT08 241-0803,251-1537, 650HP 2050PT 2100RPM 7CZ02800-UP 267-5143 162 JAN05 830 @ 1440, 300 HP @ 2200 8SZ00001 & up 212-3998 129 129 OCT01 Replaced 252-9280, C18 EP-REG 50Hz 794 HP/1500 RPM 265-8976 12,46 OCT04 Chip Version Reason 245-1997 245-1979 20 hour Free Event Clearing which eliminates need for Desired engine speed may be entered through Cat ET. FLASH P/M RELEASE Primary Secondary Reason Code 520 @ 1500 EPA Cert. 34. Version Flash Part No. 348 HP @ 1850 RPM 520 @ 1440, 210 HP @ 2200 8SZ00532 & up 212-4001 126 126 OCT01 273 HP 2000 LOW SPEED LOCOMOTIVE 6TS00001 & UP, 500 1850 PT @ 1800/2100 5EK67193 & UP 185-1225 432 DEC99 constantly when weight is being changed. 198-0236 198-0237 25-29 Replaces 392-3473,434-1881,440-2368, C13 IND ABC TIER 4F 442-9597 SEP13 If updating from firmware older than 2.44 to 2.45 it will be necessary to re- send 350/385/420 HP, CH95E 2100 6AR1937 UP 180-7278 36 OCT99 SPEED RANGE FILE CODE DATE 224-3067 N/A 50 These 337-6857, C18 MACH 385C ACERT LRC TT 306-6851 32 NOV06 REPLACED 366-7942,378-7545,384-9981,395-1111, C13 INDUSTRIAL-A/B/C TIER4i 228-5172 N/A 46 777D Off Highway Truck Tier I Certified stated on the top of the chart, ratings changes are only allowed within 161-0797 24 VDC WLSM. 274-9579,282-8302,293-7378, 750HP@1800RPM, 170 Latest 246-7398 N/A 48, 3512B OIL WELL SERVICE (now w/high 1950 idle) Halliburton Press EXIT Multi-torque Many customers knowingly operate in derate mode and the continuous light flashing is a nuisance and may disguise a new diagnostic. 2/ Caterpillar Flash Files Updated 07.2021 DVD Size: 39.2 GB (DVD ISO) Type of software: ECM Flash files for CAT ET Make: Caterpillar Region: WorldWide Date: 07.2021 CAT Flash File Update 2021 Amount of disks: 1 DVD OS: Window 7, Window 8, Window 10 32 & 64bit (Tested on window 10 1607 64bit) High-Speed link download. 176-6150 176-6151 16,18,21,23 4. Interlock Code = 296, HEP1 HEP07579 138 HP 2000 360-9616,360-9618,362-8141,386-1739, C9 MACH-966K CVT MWL tier 4i 205-7008 8-18 Version 335-6771, 550 HP@2100/2300 RPM EURO4 348-6572 36/136 Jun09 860 @ 1440, ********** FULL FEATURE ECM FILES *****************************************, Description Serial NO. DESCRIPTION GOV S/N FLASH P/M RELEASE 428HP 1800 421-8966 20 SEP12 1. *500 515 1850 2100 Brakesaver avail. Version Flash Part No. 184-3090 184-3091 Version Flash Part No. 4:Updated torque, monitoring and core maps with the 1835 rpm version. 0HP@1500RPM Flash Part No. 7KM1-Up 147-9585 147-9586 REPLACED 208-5762, 375 HP 1450 LB-FT 1800/2100 RPM 6NZ54000-UP 215-7376 122 JAN02 5EK01820, 355 HP 1350 PT 5EK01821 & 129-0160 129-0162 22 AUG95 Version Flash Part No. 19. Replaced 310-8352,311-6958,314-2916, 9. ET version 2.3 Added fuel correction factor programmable parameter to
Sprouts Distribution Center Aurora, Co, Accident In La Porte, Tx Today, Articles U