Oh, and that were too dumb to see where He has answered our prayers, etc. Should you seek help only from Christian professionals? So what could be the reasons why God seems deaf to your earnest prayers? 63 Godly Wisdom Quotes (That Will Make You Wiser Today. 54 Agape Love Quotes [+Animation On Gods Agape Love], 54 Power Of Faith Quotes (To Help You Move Mountains). }, How To Pray For An Evil Person [Whos Hurt You Badly? God wants us to be happy in any relationship were in. Or do we pray for relationship, for closeness; to elevate our spirits and raise our hearts? This is God's will of decree. The answer to that question is twofold, which is yes, and no. I think sometimes God wants us to wait or to learn some lessons and you need to pray to God to give you the wisdom to understand what you should do, and it must feel right in your gut. God wants you to bring your concerns to Him, and He has promised to listen when you do. Years even. Dear Jim: Do you think you have to have a definite yes or no from God on relationships? And now send men to Joppa and bring one Simon who is called Peter. I already had the love I needed in Him. The short answer is yes! As you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure (Philippians 2:1213). please clarify this matter at the earliest. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. isnt our Lord straight forward and outright? But the moment I heard Him, the rightness of His answer settled into my heart. Thank you very much mam..you really helped me alot..your words gave me hope..its not like I never had hope..the thing is I was just starting to loose itI am the girl with big dreams..but everything seemed very impossible but after I had read these words..it means that this is not my time and I have to be patient..i am not a patient person but now I will have to pray to be patient and to live in my dreams until my dreams live in me.In short words thank you alot mam. God not only hears, but He is eager to respond. God was showing me that I already had the love I was desperately seeking from my partnerfrom God Himself. He answers prayer according to his time table, and in the way he feels is best. Can be construed as two: I am sure this is a question you have asked at one point in your Christian life concerning relationships. Very new to all of this, and can very much say I needed to find your site today, reading this helped so much. Now I spend extra prayer time praising my personal Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Its a common occurrence in life, and it can be difficult to navigate what feels like an impossible situation. If youre not sure whether God wants you to be with someone, ask Him whether that person you want to be with is His will and purpose for your life so that you dont make mistakes and suffer for the rest of your life. i have been going through a tough time for the last three months. Here are some common struggles people have when praying: The same thing keeps happening that Im praying about, It feels like Im not doing anything to change my circumstances, Its hard for me to ask for help when I know that God should be helping me because He loves me more than others. All rights reserved. If at all possible, it would be great if this person was a Christian but their training and experience is of more importance in non-spiritual matters. And if youre still not sure youre hearing Him, stop overthinking things and take the next best step in faith, knowing: Before you go, get your FREE How to Pray for Faith and Trust Cheat Sheet. Online Goodness For Singles Seeking Their True Love. Spoiler alert: you can only get godly counsel if you ask for it. Great one . Even though prayer may not seem like an answer in the moment, it does play a part in how great our relationships feel. In order to show humility in our interactions with others, we should pray that God would shape our hearts for nourishing these types of relationships. But youve heaved yourself to your feet in deeper despair each time at His unbroken silence. I am still praying that he can become the caring and loving human he sometimes can be. What this means to me is that our Spirit should continually be seeking the Spirit of God in everything we think and do. When we operate as the sender, we pray to God seeking some sort of spiritual discernment. Dear Christina, I feel your pain :-( Please see some great advice from Dr. Jim with these blog posts: The best person to work with us is not always a Christian. I feel so worthless and unloveable most of the time. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! If that person isnt right for you, God would rather have you break up with that person and suffer a temporary heartbreak rather than being miserable with the wrong person you initially thought was right for you for the rest of your life. In the split second after God answered me, I finallythankfullydared to listen to Him. Blessed be God, because he has not rejected my prayer or removed his steadfast love from me! Remember, God wants you to have a happy relationship or marriage here on earth but this can only be possible if you do things Gods ways when it comes to selecting a life partner you plan to spend the rest of your life with. Share each others burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. Does Prayer work to help one OBTAIN a relationship for those who have none? The reason why this can be difficult sometimes is that we live in a society where everyone wants what they want now. The thing is, youve chosen these relationships for yourself; God didnt put you in them. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows. There are many amazing people out there who will be perfect for you in every way. Be warned, though: Dont mistake your desire for Gods will. We all know we should pray more. In the end, God is the prize. Perhaps we dont really understand what prayer is or were prone to forget. sorry to bother. I am not sure if I know the answer to these questions. God knows best though! Always. It was just very plainly stated that it is all in Gods timing and not our own. Most people who ask whether God can answer their prayers concerning their relationship are usually people who are having relationship problems or looking to be in love. There are many reasons why He answers our prayers when we pray for help with a relationship. these three are atheists. Required fields are marked *. God NEVER contradicts Himself and is always in keeping with His word. to signal when the right one arrives. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 11 Clear Signs God Is Answering Your Prayers [For Sure], Does God Answer Prayers For Money All The Time? And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, Know the Lord, for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord (Jeremiah 31:3334). Well, as it turns out, you're the deaf one. Im lost and feel like God is not hearing me or I am not hearing God. My darling, you couldnt be more off-base. Amen. So when God chooses a different method of unfolding His plan, you completely miss it as an answer to your prayers. The Bible teaches us that Jesus said Love one another as I have loved you (John 13:34). We would love to hear from you. But we do need to become better ask-ers. I often have the thought that I was only out here to be tortured and punished for some reason. In this impatient age of instant gratification, no one wants to wait for what they want. Youre the best! 5 Horrible Consequences Of Not Winning Souls To Christ. We ask; he gives. Some teach that all one has to do is just get their spiritual life strong enough and pray enough and God will answer and take care of everything. Such a prudential arrangement is hardly in the highest spirit of faith. Scripture clearly teaches that prayers are answered. As you wait on the Lord, He will grant you patience and insight to know when your partner is right for you. Most people are frustrated with their relationships because they dont understand Gods will concerning relationships nor do they consult God as to whether the relationship they want to be in with a particular person is right for them. Jesus did this with Saul on the Damascus road. I would want a doctor who had the training AND experience with the ailment that I was confronting. The Effective Prayer Against Evil Friends [That Works]. No in the sense that He will not answer your prayer concerning your relationship if that relationship isnt right for you or in line with Gods will and purpose for your life which is more important than the relationship you are trying to make work. One reason is that God wants us to have an intimate relationship with Him first before we can have any relationship with any humans. Many of us dont pray often about our relationship because we feel that were the only one who can change things, or may be that God is not interested in that aspect of life. With my ex boyfriend. i prayed from my heart and now looks like God is showing me a way. "Keep alert and pray. God can be silent. Would I enjoy spending time with them? What does this mean? Perhaps it should, but more often than not, it isnt. We dont need to learn new contemplative methods, or build a prayer closet in the woods. It can feel as if prayer isnt working, but it doesnt mean were doing anything wrong. Giving everyone everything they want would not be the right thing for us and not the right thing for a righteous God to do! We would go to church together pray together. As an example: If you had a heart ailment and wanted to seek out the best doctor to work with you, would his/her being a Christian be at the top of your list of requirements? Does God answer prayers about relationships? Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "af255a178d360b4765cfcf9e203f26c6" );document.getElementById("fa8554229c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is not so we get our own way! 2. It can bring comfort and relief in times of need, or be a way for those who are hurting to find hope. What if these feelings never go away, even after years of trying different methods of coping with them? 54 Gods Forgiveness Quotes [+ Animation On Forgiveness]. But lets start off right by laying the foundation youll need for recognizing signs that God is answering your prayers. After ditching those lies and going hard after what God has for me, I now know thatwith a little courage and simple, doable stepsyou can find the freedom to live your best God-given life. 5 Effective Ways To Keep Your Heart On Fire For God. Behind door number 3 is Gods answer of not yet. Pray for Ziv in Particular as he is Jewish and Became atheist. God answered your prayer , Your email address will not be published. Pray in Jesus' name. Everything that happens is God's will in this sense. God bless you all that are suffering from a break up like me. The best way to ensure this doesnt happen is by focusing on Him now and forevermore. There was a little time until the waters would reach the town and the police were speeding around town telling of the impending danger. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. (Luke 11:910). God isnt silent. And still looking like all youre gonna get for an answer is crickets. Which sucks if this is you because God doesnt work on anyones timetable except His. The Lord instructed us to pray. What does it mean to be kind? ), 54 Inspiring Godly Friendship Quotes [+ Wonderful Sermon]. As believers, we should learn that prayer can help shape your heart for nourishing interactions with others through the lens of loving one another as Jesus loves us. Many people have deep wounds in their lives from the past that they are not willing to let go of. The story goes that there was a dam that had broken upstream for a town. Remember your gut feeling, your conscience, the Holy Spirit tells you a lot through those uncomfortable feelings. If you have a problem with your relationship and would like to get it resolved, you may be wondering if God answers prayers about relationships. He took the treatment, and the difference that it made within a few weeks was amazing to observe. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Your email address will not be published. Asking God for patience and insight will help those who are waiting on a good partner do just this. I have found at least six basic prayers God will always answer. I dont think so! Not to bum you out, but God probably wont answer your prayers with a dramatic angelic visitation the way He did for Cornelius. It feels like there is always someone who needs something from you, and you never think about what they need. Are ones prayers ineffective in fertilizing the existing relationship? Thank you so much sister for your encourage .I was really touched and pray God to give you more to share with us. God does answer prayers about relationships! In the Bible, there's a book called Psalm. No, God does not always give us the answer we want any more than we always give our children everything they ask for. The Bible says that God is a healer and He wants to heal you! Whenever I renew this correct thought process I feel much better with no kvetching. Remember, when it comes to relationships and marriage, God wants you to have a happy marriage with a person who truly loves you with Christ-like love that is selfless. Hello, from any page on this site, you can sign up to receive free stuff. It gives you prayer points to cover when youre stuck in doubt and uncertainty, wondering when God will answer your prayers. Required fields are marked *. Please leave your comment below. No. Inside: Youve been looking for signs God is answering your prayers. When things dont go as planned, the temptation is for us to blame someone else or something outside of ourselveseven when there may be a spiritual element involved that goes beyond what we know. God always hears our prayers, but sometimes . Its not easy to let go of past hurts and scars. So, If Im called to another (additional) alter, will I approach with Gifted FAITH? God also gave us feet and often He desires to guide our steps to the best person to work with us. Hes our all-powerful God of the universe. Prayer is an important way for us to stay in touch with Him.. This is the type of false impression of Gods ways that leads too many to their own imprisonment. God does answer prayer. Jesus came so that He might glorify the Father. However, one who has never trusted in Jesus as his personal Savior should be reminded that if his only point in . The truth is that everyone has their limits and boundaries in life. However, you need to understand as Isaiah 55:8,9 tells us that Gods thoughts are not our thoughts nor are our ways His ways which are higher than ours. This is why we have so many heartbreaks and broken marriages in society today as most people dont understand what true love is but are led by their lustful desires or feelings of the flesh that they mistake for love. What God desires more than anything is a relationship with people. Really enjoyed reading it. That is that I AM saved and I just need to give my problems to the Lord and forget about it as He will take care of it because we cant! Another reason our prayers are not answered is that we have unconfessed sin in our lives. Sometimes, God's answer in response to our prayers is no. Every once in a while I come to my senses. hi Kris. Bonus: As a bonus for joining my weekly newsletter, get this free How to Pray for Faith and Trust Cheat Sheet. The solution here is to attach yourself like a barnacle to the goal Gods given you but stay flexible about the route to get there. For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak!" I. He has promised never to leave us nor forsake us and to answer our prayers according to His will (Psalm 145:18). There are many reasons why He answers our prayers when we pray for help with a relationship. But what if you could erase your past? God is wonderful . Almost from day one. How Do I Know When My Prayer Is Answered? She agreed and I continuously thanked God for her. Its as if they are trying to live for themselves when the Bible says that we are all called to serve others and give ourselves totally over to Jesus, no matter what it costs us. Consider tweaking your prayers from asking God to miraculously rescue you from your choices, and instead ask Him for the strength and resolve to make healthy new ones. But God gave you a community of believers for a reason. Principal, Queensland Theological College. The question is, do you want to be healed? You may be living a life that looks gorgeous from the outside but fits you like a cheap suit. How to forgive? 54 Godly Relationship Quotes To Prepare You For Marriage [+ Sermon]. God really answers prayers. Good friends are open and sincere. This is wonderful since God knows everything, past, present, and future, so he knows what is best for his children. Thanks alot for the teachings it lifted me up so much.May God almigty bless us all. Online Goodness For Singles Seeking Their True Love. If you are at peace, you are going in the right direction. Should we be upset with God for not answering our prayers? We would certainly not expect God to answer our prayers if we were to ask for things we know he does not want us to do or . Begged Him with garbled, feverish words to give you the barest hint of a sign that Hes answering your prayers. Everyone thinks they should have it all right now. Are we in tune with God? Many people have a hard time understanding that God is really who they need to be living for in order for their lives to mean something. 5 Simple but Surprising Reasons. Does God Answer Prayers On Relationships? Our approach to prayer (and our practice) is often an amalgam of platitudes, folk religion, and basic biblical truths, rather than an exegetically rigorous and theologically rich account of the teaching of the Bible. God always answers your prayers. [+ Sermon On Overcoming Sin], 7 Major Characteristics of Sin That Make Us Do Bad Things. Why Is Quiet Time With God Important [With Illustrations], 7 Major Root Causes Of Sin (That Causes People To Sin. Required fields are marked *. How God answers prayers is a mystery, but there are a few things we know for sure. He not only made our spirits, but our bodies, our minds, and our emotions. Because he says he will in the first place, and then, even more, because these prayers sum up what God has promised to do through the gospel. Trust that God has already answered your prayer but youre not able to see what He is doing yet, Pray for others who are struggling or have less than you do; this will help you focus on whats important and it will remind you that your situation isnt as bad as someone else, Pray for the strength to trust God fully even when things seem hopeless, Remember: in everything give thanks, for this is pleasing to God. God always answers your prayers. Im really excited to tell u I think I found my 2 nd chance @ love & we met thru ChristianCafe.com we have been together almost 5 months now & setting up a time in our busy life to have our first date on march 26-15 this will be the fist time we see each other I cant wait. This is SO not helpful. Join Christian Singles For Free He will show you what direction to go or remind you of something important that may have been forgotten. For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. Ive also found that relationships are the hardest job! Yep, even after Id ignored His warnings and answers for those entire five years, our gracious God answered me yet again when I was finally ready to hear Him. What did God do about the man you prayed to love you, did you marry him. A new desire like this can be a sign of God answering your prayers. He is so much traumatized as I am coz we love loved each other so much. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. If we are in tune with God, then prayer is one of the fastest and most potent ways to change our circumstances. Interdum velit euismod in pellentesque. He wants what is best for you, and we need to learn to accept His answer and trust that He has something better in store for us. Yes! 45 Everyone Sins Quotes [+ Animation On Why We Sin]. Privacy Policy | Disclaimer | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact | T&C |. So you can always make a new choice, any time youre ready.