-oxygen in the atmosphere, Espaol unit 2B (Classroom furniture, objects, Abe Mizrahi, Edward E. Prather, Gina Brissenden, Jeff P. Adams, Jeffrey O. Bennett, Mark Voit, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas O. Schneider. Astronomers call the vast, rotating cloud of vapor and dust from which the solar system formed: A key difference between the protoplanets that formed in the outer solar system and those that formed in the inner solar system was that, those in the outer solar system were in a place where ice, not just rock, condensed and thus could grow larger. the active geology and weather on Earth destroy traces of impacts over millions of years. Published by at June 13, 2022. In general, the further planets are from the Sun, the cooler they are. Which of the following is a failed star, an object with too little mass to qualify as a star? Explore over 16 million step-by-step answers from our library, ng elit. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: The large, roughly circular, dark, and somewhat younger regions on the Moon are called. In 2013, a small stony asteroid collided with the Earth above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk. What other factor can have a significant influence on a planets surface temperature? silhouette against the full moon, standing on the prom-ontory. It was created by an ancient asteroid impacting the Moon on the far side and triggering some volcanic activity on the opposite side. The shapeshifter in horrifying the act, how should a Hunter respond? When 375mL375 \mathrm{~mL}375mL of water (d=1.00g/mL)(d=1.00 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{mL})(d=1.00g/mL) at 32C32^{\circ} \mathrm{C}32C are mixed with 125mL125 \mathrm{~mL}125mL of water at 92C92^{\circ} \mathrm{C}92C, what is the final temperature of the mixture? the early Earth must have been so hot it was like a liquid and heavier things sank to the middle. In Depth | Titan - NASA Solar System Exploration The Rogowski coil, shown in Figure P31.16, simply clips around the wire. Deep inside craters in the regions near the Moon's poles. e. anti-cyclones, In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: 1. Show that the rms speed of a molecule in an ideal gas at absolute temperature T is given by, vrms=3kTmv _ { \mathrm { rms } } = \sqrt { \frac { 3 k T } { m } } Which of the following is NOT a terrestrial planet? Good RC Question.Origin of moon : Verbal - GMAT Club Forum a. water What is the explanation for this? The Moon's core is small (about 20% of the Moons diameter) as . when it is weighed while fully immersed in water, its apparent weight is 2.482.48n. Which process requires more energy: completelyvaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 1 atm pressure orcompletely vaporizing 1 kg of saturated liquid water at 8 atmpressure? If there are at least a million asteroids, how did spacecraft like Galileo survive their trip through the asteroid belt? In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's core, Not Selected comets, Not Selected Jupiter and Saturn, Not Selected Correct answer: the Earth's crust and mantle no other body in the solar system, Not Selected The glomerular filtration cells are nonselectively permeable to small particles but not very permeable to larger Which of the following is made of the densest material? -asteroids a. exactly one The process by which Venus became so much hotter than the Earth is called: The canals that late 19th and early 20th observers thought they saw on Mars turned out to be: Abe Mizrahi, Edward E. Prather, Gina Brissenden, Jeff P. Adams, Jeffrey O. Bennett, Mark Voit, Megan O. Donahue, Nicholas O. Schneider. the gravity of the comet nucleus holds on to the evaporated material, and it all eventually freezes back into the nucleus, Chunks of solid material that survive passing through the Earth's atmosphere and are found on the Earth's surface are called. in its overall composition, the moon roughly resembles: Which of these terrestrial planets shows cratering from asteroids and/or. 8. When two light elements collide to undergo nuclear fusion, some of the energy in their mass is released, Today we realize that the source of energy for the Sun is a process called. In the highlands, but only on the side of the Moon facing away from Earth numbers, invokes the method, and displays the sorted numbers. This is simil . the range of wavelengths or frequencies over which electromagnetic radiation extends. How have astronomers learned what different asteroids are made of? The planet that most resembles the Earth in size and internal composition is A.Mars B. Venus C. Mercury D. Jupiter E. the Moon; Question: The planet that most resembles the Earth in size and internal composition is A.Mars B. Venus C. Mercury D. Jupiter E. the Moon If everything in the solar system is moving around, why do the Perseid meteors repeat regularly around August 11th or so? What is one important way in which both the Moon and Mercury are different from Earth? The wavelengths where a specific element can absorb or emit light. Lunar Maria are large, dark, basaltic plains on Earth's Moon. the difference in temperature between mercurys daylight side and its night side is the greatest difference of any planets in the solar system. 3. To the artists, the subject resembles a snail. We even sent automated spacecraft to the Moon's surface and analyzed the chemical composition! Roughly 4.5 billion years ago, a collision caused our planet to mushroom outward into a seething, spinning cloud of vaporised rock that. h5_corerulebook_200dpi | PDF | Storytelling | Gothic Fiction - scribd.com The ages of stony meteorites have been measured to be roughly equal to: the oldest ages we have measured for any bodies in the solar system. its atmosphere (whether it has one and how thick it is). Astronomers call the vast, rotating cloud of vapor and dust from which the solar system formed: The first technique that allowed astronomers to find exoplanets involved: measuring changes in the radial velocity (Doppler shift) of the star caused by the pull of orbiting planets. iscing elit. giant, germ this, although, bathe f food, phonetics, if, off, rough g good, ghost, guide h hood j yes, fjord k cat . sending spacecraft to Mars which have brought samples of the planet back to Earth. account for most of the light that is produced by the sun and account for 92% of the energy, a perfect radiator and absorber and emits radiation based only on its temperature, A telescope that uses convex lenses to gather and focus light, A telescope that uses a curved mirror to collect and focus light, the first device used by astronomers to record images of celestial objects. Crust-mantle-core-inner core. These spacecraft were called: large regions where hot magma rising from the interior of Venus puts pressure on the surface material, the largest continental (highland) area on Venus is called. NOVA Online | To the Moon | Origins In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just. These are vast basins containing lava flows that are marked by craters, ridges, faults and straight and immersed valleys called rills. The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of sunlight alone. The planet closest to the Sun in the solar system is: revolve around the Sun in the same direction. Lo. Which of the following statements about our Moon is FALSE? In other ways, the Earth and moon have remarkably similar characteristics. The toroid has nnn turns per unit length and a cross-sectional area AAA. In what way is the Moon similar to the Earth? $________________________$. The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of sunlight alone. The material of Mars' surface contains a lot of iron oxide, the same chemistry that makes rusting metals look reddish. from the heating of sunlight alone. D. it has a significant atmosphere. heat, or drought? Astronomy Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet This gas is: Why does Mars have an overall reddish color when we see its surface from afar? giant impacts in its early history may have torn away much of its original crust and mantle. Pellentesque, ongue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. $________________________$, Earthquake producing faults are much more likely to be found, on the boundaries of continental plates, where they meet other plates. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur la, pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. b. August 4, 2020. Which of the following statements about temperature changes on Mercury is correct? Questions and Answers for [Solved] The lunar highlands are made mostly of rocks that A) fell on to the Moon from space B) were recently expelled by volcanoes from the deep interior of the Moon C) rose to the top as the Moon cooled from a molten state early in its history D) that were pushed upwards due to active plate tectonics on the Moon E) don't have a good scientific explanation yet . The person who really publicized the idea of canals on Mars and impressed it on the public mind was: Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the ways the jovian planets differ from the terrestrial planets? -interplanetary gas/dust Which of the following statements about the rocks brought back from the Earth's Moon by the astronauts is TRUE? Integrated Science VI | PDF | Plant Nutrition | Photosynthesis The Growing Spine Management of Spinal Disorders in Young Children Third Edition. What theory of Mercury's origin can best explain the fact that its core is made of such dense materials? In which region of the Earth's atmosphere have you spent most of your life? OS_Astronomy_Multiple Choice_Chapter_09.docx - This file and its Higher temperature -> shorter peak wavelength, -clear weather The main reason the spectra of the stars do not all look alike is that the stars. Solved Venus most closely resembles Earth because of its - Chegg Of the people who landed on the Moon, how many were trained scientists? In studying the surfaces of solid bodies in the solar system, astronomers have learned that the number of craters (per unit area): is roughly proportional to the age of the surface we are examining, Earthquake producing faults are much more likely to be found, on the boundaries of continental plates, where they meet other plates. 7. -there is evidence of crater that caused dino extinction, volcanic craters -> crater lake Using Euler`s relation, derive the following relationships: (a)cos=(ej+ej),(b)sin=(eje(j),(a) cos=(e^{j}+e^{-j}), (b) sin=(e^{j}-e^{(-j}), Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Astronomy Chapter 9 Flashcards | Quizlet Which piece of an active comet points directly away from the Sun? If your question is not fully disclosed, then try using the search on the site and find other answers on the subject Physics. come back again and again at predictable intervals. What is the source of the fine, powdery dust found on the Moon's surface? In its overall composition the Moon roughly resembles-the Earth's crust and mantle - the Earth 's crust and mantle. d. a rough hilly apron (or slope) of ejected material Scientists thus determined that the Moon has a small, metallic core, which, if composed mostly of iron, has a radius of approximately 350 kilometers. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's crust and mantle. giant impacts in its early history may have torn away much of its original crust and mantle, three kinds of spectra defined by three simple rules: hot Jupiters formed further out in their star system, and then migrated inward somehow. they do not have an atmosphere The average temperature on planet Earth is higher than you would expect just from the heating of sunlight alone. Of the following planets, which do NOT have satellites (moons)? 1/ If no one has ever visited the core of the Earth, how do we know Yet the legend of 1940 has persisted, and has survived the opening of even the British archives on the period. light reflecting from the Earth onto the Moon, light seeping through the mountains and valleys of the Moon, light from phosphorescent minerals on the Moon's surface, that store up sunlight and slowly emit it when it is dark, the Moon produces its own light the same way the Sun does, the Moon reflects light from either Mars or Venus, depending on which is closest to Earth. A baseball pitcher wants to impress his girl-friend with how strong his throwing arm is. 3/ In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: no other body in the solar system the Earth's crust and mantle the Earth's core Jupiter and Saturn comets 4/ What makes astronomers think that impact rates for the Moon must have been higher earlier than 3.8 billion years ago? The telescope in space that allowed astronomers to find thousands of exoplanets and exoplanet candidates by making very careful measurements during a planet transit was called: One of the most perplexing issues raised by the discovery of thousands of exoplanets is the existence of "hot Jupiters" - planets with the masses and compositions of Jupiter, but orbiting closer to their stars than Mercury does in our solar system. years, we learned how to determine its size, shape, and weight, how to measure the temperature of the surface, to estimate the electrical properties from radar waves bounced off the Moon, and to do many others without leaving the planet Earth. They are waterless. c. Deep inside craters in the regions near the Moon's poles In what way is the Moon similar to the Earth? they are made mostly of frozen gases, not rock, they are both much further from the Sun's heat than Earth is, they are both significantly larger than the Earth, they both turn on their axes much faster than the Earth. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's coreb. because the largest craters were made early in each world's history, and geologic activity has erased all traces of this early period on the Earth's surface. c. one side of Mercury is always extremely hot, while the other side is about the same temperature as Los Angeles on Earth Why? Nam risus ante, iscing elit. and swapping it with the last. The planet has no global magnetic field, although there are areas of strong surface magnetization that indicate that there was a global field billions of years ago. This article (in German) develops the outlines of a Wittgensteinian philosophy of the proper name. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's core, Not Selected comets, Not Selected Jupiter and Saturn, Not Selected Correct answer: the Earth's crust and mantle no other body in the solar system, Not Selected 5297 views. The large, roughly circular, dark, and somewhat younger - en.ya.guru The element that can act like a metal when it is under tremendous pressure and is probably responsible for Jupiter and Saturn's magnetism is: The planet that orbits "on its side" (i.e. At the base of the hill, he is traveling at a speed vi. a rough hilly apron (or slope) of ejected material, a gushing out of lots of water that had been frozen inside the ground on the cold Moon, but is briefly heated by the impact. Published in category Physics, 12.07.2022 e. this is an unsolved mystery; it's one of the most puzzling things about the Moon, d. because the rocks and icebergs that hit the Moon are moving so fast, they explode on impact, making a circular hole, [An alternate phrasing of question 15]: These days the theory of the Earth's Moon's origin that best fits with the facts we have about the Moon is: at its surface the temperature and pressure are just right for water to exist in all three phases (gas, liquid, and ice), Pluto was discovered through the patient searching of, Our modern understanding of Pluto is that it is a member of, the Kuiper Belt (of trans-Neptunian objects). The answer is in the moon's orbit. In 1980, scientists suggested that the great mass extinction of 65 million years ago (which ended the reign of dinosaurs) may have been caused by a large impact from space. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Design Toscano Diana | Wayfair The Moon is heavily cratered, but the Earth which "lives next door" is NOT. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's core b. the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system 3. Astronomers have concluded that the Sun's activity varies in an 11-year cycle. The tallest mountain on a terrestrial world is: Abe Mizrahi, Edward E. Prather, Gina Brissenden, Jeff P. Adams, Andrew Fraknoi, David Morrison, Sidney C Wolff. by counting the craters visible on the surface and comparing crater counts to other worlds. about half of the astronauts were trained scientists, all the astronauts were trained scientists. Calculate the magnitude of B. The astronomer who, at the turn of the century, measured the spectra of hundreds of thousands of stars, leaving a catalog that astronomers used for the rest of the century, was: Which of the following types of star is the coolest (has the lowest surface temperature, A team of astronomers takes spectra of thousands of different stars in different parts of the sky. e. none, When a projectile (a rock from space, say) hits the surface of the Moon, which of the following do we NOT get? QUESTION 1 What is one important way in which both the Moon and Compared to star A, star B will look, the nuclear force which holds nuclei together. Physicists Kelvin and Helmholtz in the last century proposed that the source of the Sun's energy could be: Astronomers now realize that active regions on the Sun are connected with, loops of magnetic field emerging from the surface of the Sun. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's core b. the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system 3. Legislation Affecting, Abe Mizrahi, Edward E. Prather, Gina Brissenden, Jeff P. Adams. Studies of radiogenic elements and isotopes. the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system b. the Earth 's crust and mantle This file and its content are copyright 2019, Rice University.All Rights Reserved. Why are the largest craters we find on the Moon and Mercury so much larger than the largest craters we find on the Earth? What is the main explanation for this? In the far future, a visiting tourist from another planetary system asks to see the most massive object in our solar system. Which color star is likely to be the hottest? radioactive dating of the primitive meteorites indicates they have that age (since they are left-over building blocks of the solar system). 9. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: mercury Where has frozen water recently been discovered on the Moon? >> <<, In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: the Earth's crust and mantle. (PDF) Signs, Minds and Actions | Volker Munz - Academia.edu The Moon's Atmosphere Although it is very thin, the moon does have an atmosphere. 2I/Borisov - Wikipedia jovians rotate significantly more slowly than terrestrials, In radioactive dating, the measure scientists use to note how long (on average) a particular radioactive nucleus will take to decay is called its. Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. In the future, a pair of astronauts are sent on a mission to the planet Mercury. The current to be measured is given by I(t)=I(t)=I(t)= ImaxsintI_{\max } \sin \omega tImaxsint. An important way that scientists have been able to study the interior of the Earth is by: measuring how seismic waves are transmitted through the Earth. Fusce dui lectus, congu. ASTM A47, Grade 32510 Which of the following statements about a comet approaching the Sun is FALSE? >same gravity on the surface Explain. Ultraviolet light is typically divided into three categories. (b) Soil is the medium for plant growth. Sometimes, when the Moon is a thin crescent, you can still dimly make out the full disk of our satellite. A. you can't fool me, Mercury is not similar to the Moon in any way. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: What is one important way in which both the Moon and Mercury are different from Earth? The large, roughly circular, dark, and somewhat younger regions on the Which of the following is a way that the planet Mercury is similar to the Moon? What does a plant need that makes it necessary for seed germination to start with the emergence of a root rather than a shoot? Love, Poverty And War: Journeys And Essays [PDF] [5qkamljh8p80] What is the most important reason that astronomers have learned more about our planetary system in the last 30-40 years than all of history before then. there are ten times more craters on the older highlands than the younger maria, What does a primer do? In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's core b. the Earth's crust and mantle c. comets d. Jupiter and Saturn e. no other body in the solar system b. a. highlands The second method involved examining the faint magnetic field generated within the Moon itself by the Moon's monthly passage through the tail of the Earth's magnetosphere. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. What is the peak current through the heater? Inside the Moon | Inside & Out - Moon: NASA Science a. Written English has the advantage that its slow rate of composition has generally allowed time and opportunity for nearly all these slips and failures of execution to be screened out by the actual author of the sentence. Where would you take him/her/it? They watch the Sun set one mercurian evening and decide they will go exploring in opposite directions and meet again the NEXT time the Sun is setting in the spot where they started. >similar atmosphere It goes beyond standard analytical treatments of proper names as referential devices in asking what kind of role the proper name of a person has for that person's identity. Which of the following statements about the seasons on Jupiter is correct? b. because the volcanoes that make them erupt in a symmetrical way, making circular openings for the lava to emerge Find the range of frequencies for UV-B radiation. The Moon rocks resemble Earth rocks in every detail, The Moon rocks are fundamentally different from Earth rocks, with materials never seen on Earth, The Moon rocks did not survive long enough in the Earth's oxygen-rich atmosphere for us to analyze them, The Moon rocks were puzzling, because they resemble rocks from the Earth's crust in many ways, but also have subtle differences, The Moon rocks resemble many of the main dishes in our college cafeteria. The Cosmo Clock 212121 Ferris wheel in Yokohama, Japan, -kuiper belt Which of the following pieces of observational evidence does our modern "solar nebula" theory of the formation of the solar system NOT explain directly? the difference in temperature between Mercury's daylight side and its night side is the greatest difference of any planet in the solar system. In its overall composition, the Moon roughly resembles: a. the Earth's coreb. e. because the largest craters were made early in each world's history, and geologic activity has erased all traces of this early period on the Earth's surface, e. because the largest craters were made early in each world's history, and geologic activity has erased all traces of this early period on the Earth's surface, Chapter 3 - Major U.S. Donec aliquet, View answer & additonal benefits from the subscription, Explore recently answered questions from the same subject, Explore documents and answered questions from similar courses, CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College. e. the Moon was the gift of the Green Cheese Producers on Mars, d. a large object hit the Earth and the collision produced a filament of material that condensed to make the Moon, The most likely models of the planet Mercury indicate that more than half the planet may be composed of: O True O False is a very long and deep canyon on Mars. Titan is bigger than Earth's moon, and larger than even the planet Mercury. How long will they have to wait for the next sunset at that spot? Solar wind particles can be captured by the Earth's magnetosphere. CI chondrites, also called C1 chondrites or Ivuna-type carbonaceous chondrites, are a group of rare carbonaceous chondrite, a type of stony meteorite.They are named after the Ivuna meteorite, the type specimen.CI chondrites have been recovered in France, Canada, India, and Tanzania.Their overall chemical composition closely resembles the elemental composition of the Sun (and hence the whole . At the bottom of all the craters we see on the side facing us Week 8 Flashcards | Quizlet 6. CHAP 8 and 9 Flashcards | Quizlet