The Tengu is another one of Japans mythical creatures. When it comes to mythical sea creatures, sailors likely fear the Kraken the most. Meanwhile, dybbukim are scary for different reasons. It has an eagles head, talons, and wings. Mythology: Mythological creatures Knucker (English) - Water dragon. Demonic possession is common in other cultures as well. In Japanese folklore, yokai refers to spirits that can either be good or evil. (A legendary gigantic bird from Arabian legends. AetnaEndymion: Youth loved by Diana, who carries him to a cave on Mt. The god Poseidon gave Minos a bull to sacrifice. (In some Native American legends, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires). Euagrus or Evagrus, a Lapith killed by the centaur Rhoetus at the Centauromachy. ), Phoenix In Greek mythology, there are three well-known gorgons: Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. Source: Inuit Mythology Habitat: Northern Canada Bonnacon - The Bonnacon (also known as Bonasus) is a bull-like beast with a horses mane. They typically act as messengers, as believed in the main three monotheistic religions. In addition to the famous deities, the ancient Greeks also worshiped a number of deified human beings. Category:Legendary Creatures | Monster Wiki | Fandom Giantess. Gnomes are earth spirits and they guard mines and other places with treasures. - Half-men, half-horse creatures that ran wild and unruly. Some of them inhabit forests, seas, and even the skies. WebMonsters that have been recorded throughout history in the myths and legends of various cultures. They are also often depicted with pig-like faces. Or to some theyre described as smaller than an average man with a reddish-brown pelt. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: GreeceOther names: Cyclopes (plural form). For instance, the Pokemon Shiftry takes inspiration from the tengu. - Magically animated human-shaped creatures typically made of solid stone. Read also: Warlock vs Wizard Whats The Difference, Type of creature: Land and airPlace of origin: Ancient Egypt and Ancient GreeceOther names: Garuda, Feng-huang, Milcham. ), Y: Yale In modern depictions, Leviathan is often a dragon-like monster. The 50 Most Beloved TV Couples of All Time According to Best Life Online, Nostalgic (Early 2000s) Children's TV Shows, Seen It is a new app from the creators of List Challenges. Samurais used this during feudal Japan. The following Roman Gods Family Tree provides a fast reference and instant overview of the genealogy of the principle Roman gods and goddesses detailing family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main gods and goddesses who feature in the legends and mythology of the Romans. Type of creature: SeaPlace of origin: Europe, Asia, and AfricaOther names: Merman, Merfolk, Merpeople. (In Modern English they are strictly known as baby or toddler angels. In other cultures, mermaids are sea creatures that can bless human beings. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Canada and United StatesOther names: Windigo. For instance, Marvel Comics references goblins with the villain, Green Goblin., Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: PragueOther names: N/A. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? In most legends, ogres are usually tall, with incredibly large heads. In some depictions, they can only take on a half-human, half-wolf form instead. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: MesopotamiaOther names: Scorpion Man, Scorpion Woman. The most popular story of mermaids is The Little Mermaid. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? Below she had the body of a scaly dragon with a thousand vipers for feet and sprouting from her waist the heads of fifty fearsome beastslions, boars and other wild animals. I have noticed you dont monetize your page, What is the answer punchline algebra 15.1 why dose a chicken coop have only two doors? Patients under this diagnosis also fear turning into cannibals. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Ancient GreeceOther names: N/A. The smallest contact with its scales can poison a human. - Apparitions of people that occur in impossible situations. (The living dead reanimated corpses brought back to serve a sorcerer. Their upper bodies are human while they have the legs and tail of a goat. The Loch Ness Monster is a sea monster that lives in Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. (Mainly winged death-spirits, best known for constantly stealing all food from Phineas, they could also bring life. Additional, comprehensive facts and information about Roman and Greek gods and goddesses are also available via: (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'E'This section of the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names provides provides useful facts and information about the vast number of gods that feature in Roman and Greek myths and legends. Out of all the Greek mythical creatures, the Centaur is one of the most popular. However, there are times that the creative mind changes or even creates the creatures of lore. Ela Fly. In some legends, people who drink from the horn of a unicorn will be immune to many diseases. The following Greek Gods Family Tree provides a fast reference and instant overview of the genealogy of the principle Greek gods and goddesses detailing family connections, genealogy and relationships between the main gods and goddesses who feature in the legends and mythology of the ancient Greeks. ), Chimaera Cyclopes play a big role in Greek mythology. Unlike Western depictions, Chinese dragons do not have wings. ), B: Bigfoot Type of creature: SeaPlace of origin: Norway, Denmark, Greenland, and SwedenOther names: N/A. - They take human form but have black, soulless eyes and emanate a sense of pure evil. Mokele-mbembe - They include the serpent-like Drakons, the marine-dwelling Cetea, and the she-monster Dracaenae. Then, from the waist down, they had the body of a scorpion. (A cryptic that is reputed to inhabit Loch Ness in the Scottish Highlands. (Better known as the Chupacabra strange Mexican creature the size of a small dog. However, Minos did not sacrifice the bull. These are magical beings often found in storybooks and legends. Many legends describe them as charismatic and attractive. When this happens, it often confuses people into thinking they may have been real in the first place. Copy and paste it, adding a note of your own, into your blog, a Web page, forums, a blog comment, your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. The oni is an orc or ogre with horns on its head. (Love to eat babies and corpses. (A monstrous beast which is part lion, goat and snake. Most mythical creatures are scary because they are big and have animalistic features. (In contemporary fiction, gargoyles are typically depicted as a winged humanoid creature with demonic features. Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? A fast, at-a-glance list of short definitions starting with 'E' are provided in this section on Greek and Roman Mythology. (Is a mythical bird and associated with the Egyptian sun-god Re and the Greek Phoibos), Pixie However, the king wakes up and wins the upper hand. Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with 'E', Greek Gods and Goddesses Names and RolesEcho (an Oread, mountain nymph) cursed never to speak except to repeat the words of othersEiar goddess of springEidothea the prophetic sea nymph and daughter of ProteusEidyia (Oceanide, fresh water nymph), the youngest of the OceanidesEileithyia the goddess of childbirthEirene (one of the Horae), the spirit of peace and goddess of the springtimeEiresione the personification of the olive branchEkecheiria the spirit of truce, armistice, and the cessation of all hostilities; honoured at the Olympic GamesElectra goddess of the constellation PleiadesEleos the spirit of mercy, pity and compassionElete goddess of the first of the afternoon work hoursElpis the spirit of hope and expectationEmpusa a monstrous underworld spiritEnyalius a minor god of warEnyo the goddess of destructive warEos the Titan goddess of the dawnEosphorus the god of Venus the morning starEpimeliades the nymphs of highland pastures and protectors of sheep flocksEpimetheus was was the Titan god of afterthoughtEpione the goddess of the soothing of painEpiphron (demon of shrewdness)Erato daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, muse of erotic poetryErebus the primeval god of darknessEris the spirit of strife, discord, contention and rivalryEros the god of love and passionErytheis, one of the HesperidesEucleia the spirit of good repute and gloryEulabeia the spirit of discretion, caution and circumspectionEunomia (one of the Horae), spirit of good order, and springtime goddessEunostus the goddess of the flour millEupheme the spirit of words of good omen, acclamation, praise, applauseEuphrosyne (one of the Charites or Graces), goddess of good cheer, joy, mirth and merrimentEuporie (goddess of welfare) "abundance"Eupraxia the spirit of well-beingEuronotus god of the southeast windEurotas one of the Potamoi (a river god)Eurus god of the unlucky east or southeast windEusebeia the spirit of piety, loyalty, duty and filial respectEuterpe daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne, muse of lyric poetryEuthenia the spirit of prosperity, abundance and plentyGreek Gods and Goddesses Names and Functions. In their hands they carry brass-studded scourges. In popular culture the fey, if recognized at all, have been reduced to small, winged, humanoid, female creatures that are frequently portrayed in the nude. dont waste your traffic, you can earn additional cash This giant eye rests on the cyclops forehead. (A hybrid of man and ape, standing well over two meters tall and having a fur of a dark brown to black color. This shift can either be on purpose or forced by the powers of a full moon. The Indian Dragon was a breed of the giant serpent which could fight and strangle the elephants of India. They wander the earth aimlessly and can only pass on after possessing a human body that will help them achieve their last goals. How many have you heard of? ), Dwarves Abominable Snowman- Giant human-like body, white shaggy fur, big feet, Aigamuxa- Human-like mythical creatures with eyes on their feet, Amphisbaena- Snake with a head at each end, Antmen- Four weapon bearing arms, red eyes and a crushing jaw, Bonnacon- Wild bull-like creature with horns, Bunyip- Large water monster, huge mouth, crocodile tail, Camazotz - A giant, evil vampire bat Type of creature: Land and seaPlace of origin: EuropeOther names: King of Serpents, Ancient Serpent, Cockatrice. They were also powerful runners and skilled warriors. Eventually, the hero Theseus found his way through the maze and killed the Minotaur. According to Japanese folklore, the Tengu is a human with avian and/or monkey features. It is only after a person performs a charm or rite can the golem come to life. (Always female, she is a fairy nymph of extraordinary beauty believed to live in fountains, rivers, waterfalls or forested regions with pure water. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Western and Eastern EuropeOther names: Vampyre, Dracula, Shtriga (Albanian name), Strigoi (Romanian name). Within the fantasy and fiction we can find a numberless list of creatures or beings that have lived throughout history and its myths. Aside from Canadian and American folklore, Bigfoot is also a recurring figure in pop culture. This cannot be undone. (Is a demon who takes the form of a woman to seduce men in dreams to have sexual intercourse. What is the giant moving mountain creature ,That has it own ecosystem on it body, you forgot afew myithacal creature like a necromancer, shamans and half demons, Yea you are forgetting alot. A who's-who of the heroes, villains, gods, goddesses, monsters and mythical creatures in classical Roman and Greek mythology starting with 'E'. A lot of people claim that theyve seen the Bigfoot. WebMagical Creatures & Beings * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * * N * O * P * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z * Bibliography. Who is Jason crabb mother and where is she? The top 4 are: dragon , mythology , beast and unicorn . LatmusEnna: Plain in Sicily;favorite resort of ProserpinaEnyo: Greek goddess of war and peacekeeping, Roman counterpart BellonaEos: Greek goddess of dawn, Roman counterpart Aurora- jealousy of, - winds, offspring ofEpaphus: Son of Jupiter and Io;founder of MemphisEphesus: City in Asia Minor sacred to DianaEphialtes: Giant son of Neptune- brother of Otus;imprisons MarsEpigoni: Sons of the seven chiefs who besieged ThebesEpimetheus: Greek god of afterthought, Roman counterpart EpimetheusEpimetheus (Afterthought): Son of Iapetus- husband of PandoraEpimetheus signifies after-thought, Prometheus fore-thoughtEpirus: Country visited by Aeneas, who meets Andromache thereErato: One of the Muses;daughter of Jupiter and MnemosyneErebus: God of darkness- marries his mother, Night- progenitor of egg- dethronedEridanus: River into which Phaeton fell from the sun chariot- Hercules consults nymphs ofErinnyes: Collective name given to the FuriesEris: Eris Greek goddess of war, Roman counterpart Discordia, goddess of discord and strife- apple cast by, Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Erisichthon: An unbeliever;punished by famineEros: Greek god of love, Roman counterpart Cupid - child of Light and Day- arrows of, - egg produces- causes mans creation- mans life given byErymanthus: Place where Hercules slew the wild boarErythea: Island home of Geryones;visited by HerculesEteocles: Son of Oedipus and Jocasta- reigns one year- slain by his brotherEthiopia: Country visited by BacchusEthiopians: Happy race of Africa, south of the river Oceanus;visited by the godsEuboean or Euboic Sea: Sea where Hercules cast LichasEumaeus: Swineherd visited by Ulysses on his return to Ithaca, - Ulysses aided byEumenides: Collective name given to Furies- forest sacred toEuphrosyne: One of the three Graces or Charites;attendant of VenusEuropa: Daughter of Agenor;wife of Jupiter, - mother of Minos, Rhadamanthus, and Sarpedon, Eurotas: River near Sparta, where Helen bathedEurus: Greek god of the east wind, Roman counterpart Vulturnusson of Aeolus and AuroraEuryale: One of the three terrible GorgonsEuryalus: Youth sent with Nisus to warn Aeneas that his son was in dangerEuryclea: Nurse of Ulysses;recognizes him after twenty years absence- Penelope awakened byEurydice: Wife of Orpheus, who seeks her in HadesEurylochus: Leader of Ulysses men- escaped Circes spell- Ulysses men misled byEurynome: Wife of Jupiter;mother of the GracesEurystheus: Hercules taskmaster;appointed twelve laborsEurytus: Ioles father;visited twice by HerculesEuterpe: One of the Muses;presided over musicEutychia Greek goddess of success, Roman counterpart FelicitasEuxine Sea: Same as Pontus Euxinus, or the Black SeaEvander: King of Tuscans;ally of Aeneas;father of Pallas, Evenus: Father of Marpessa;drowned himself in river of same name- Hercules crosses- Fama: Attendant of Jupiter, goddess of fame. - A term describing abnormal creatures created by genetic or environmental mutations. ), Cherubs or Cherubim Elaray. Mister Hyde - Evil version of Dr. Jekyll. A lot of legends surround the vampire. To many, the phoenix represents hope and life after death. Roman and Greek Gods Names with short definitions of their roles in the Dictionary of Roman and Greek Gods Names starting with the letter 'E'. Other passages simply describe the Leviathan as a great big sea monster. Nowadays, they are usually very shy creatures, but are nevertheless capable of great courage and amazing feats under the proper circumstances. Elebrazelle. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Indonesia and MalaysiaOther names: Kuntilanak (Indonesian name). uses cookies to improve your experience and to show you personalized ads. WebLoch Ness Monster - Long neck, large body, flippers and a tail. - A magical horse with a single horn on its forehead. ), L: Loch Ness WebKnocker (Cornish and Welsh) - Little people and mine spirits. Mythological Creatures This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. Read also: 50 St Nicholas Day Facts That You Never Knew About, Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: European countriesOther names: Lycanthrope. This is likely why there are so many versions of the basilisks story today. A-Z: MYTHICAL CREATURES Book Reviews - Open Book In the end, God also killed this creature as food for the Hebrews. It is a two-handed war club with spikes or studs along the body. (Are usually depicted as wingless, with pointed ears, and often wearing a green outfit and pointed hat. Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'Additional, intriguing and interesting facts and information about gods and goddesses and the beliefs of the ancient civilizations of Rome and Greece are also available via: Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'. For example, Alabandus at Alabanda, Tenes at Tenedos, Leucothea and her son Palaemon were worshiped throughout Greece.[17]. ), Centaur Their appearance is scary, and thus people often perform rituals to chase them and other spirits away. The term, fauns, comes from the name Faunus. Faunus is the Ancient Roman god of the forest. 4 Best Research Paper Writing Services of 2023, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 50 Facts About Hispanic Culture You Have To Know, Hungry Ghost Festival All You Need To Know, 40 Essential All Saints Day Facts That You Never Knew About, 50 Thanksgiving Facts To Prepare For Holiday Season, Auld Lang Syne Meaning Behind This Favorite New Year Song, 40 Overpopulation Facts To Crowd Your Brain, 30 Fun Facts About Gargoyles That You Never Knew About, 30 Silk Facts That Will Make You Feel Like Royalty, 30 Important Gender Inequality Facts To Raise Awareness, 15 Veterans Day Facts History Culture Politics More, 30 Essential Facts About The Color Red That You Never Knew About, 40 Fun JackOLantern Facts For Some Trick Or Treating, Occams Razor Facts Definition Examples Uses More, Mardi Gras Facts Origin Traditions Location More, 30 Types of Ghosts From All Around the World, 40 Day of the Dead Facts Secrets You Never Knew. A Little Spark of Joy - Everything Tarot and life's Higher Vibes According to European folklore, you can only turn into a werewolf after being cursed or bitten. WebEdimmu ( Sumerian) Ghosts of those not buried properly Egbere ( Yoruba) Humanoid that carries a magical mat Eikthyrnir ( Norse) Einherjar ( Norse) Spirits of brave warriors Ekek ( Philippine) Flesh-eating, winged humanoids Elbow Witch ( Ojibwa) Hags with List of Greek mythological creatures - Wikipedia All Rights Reserved. It is described as part octopus and part crab, occasionally as a giant squid or cuttlefish. Sometimes their eyes are described as being pointed upwards at the temple ends. They do this hoping their kids will not misbehave. However, instead of humans, they drink the blood of goats, cows, and other livestock. Elf - A race of pointy-eared humanoids who excel in magic and archery. The following is a list of lists of legendary creatures, beings and entities from the folklore record. Gigantic snakes of Libya, according to Diodorus. (A lake monster from Welsh mythology. Water-snake, god Apollo was about to make a sacrifice on the altar and he needs some water to perform the ritual. - The three-headed dog that guards the entrance to Hades. Sometimes, they disguised themselves as a beautiful woman in order to attract innocent travelers. Type of creature: Land and airPlace of origin: European countriesOther names: Faeries, Fae, Fay, Fair Folk. The Greek and Roman Mythology guide provides a short glossary of terms relating to the gods, goddesses, people, places and events that feature in Roman and Greek legends and myths that begin with 'E'. ), Kampe - Humans who can willingly take the form of an animal while maintaining their consciousness. (Was a creature with the head of a bull on the body of a man. This makes him a suitable teacher of Greeks greatest heroes. Living in a small area there are very few, in fact there may be only one. Apollo sees through the raven's lies and angrily casts all three the cup (Crater. He would use it as his official symbol as the emperor. An example of this is the Korean film #Alive on Netflix. Mythical creatures is another name for goblins, trolls, and pixies. What did the Nazis begin using gas chambers instead of mobile killing units and shooting squads after a while? Mythical creatures dont have to be big and scary monsters. 2.. Will-o-the-wisps (Gaelic: Teine biorach i.e, sharp fire)These are spirits that manifest as ghostly flames in the dead of the night in outdoor areas like bogs or marshes. Usually, the Bogeyman is a large male figure in a hooded cloak. Leprechauns are mythical creatures from Irish folklore. Mythical Creatures In some stories, it looks like a wild dog. Creatures The Romans had fauns, very similar creatures, but with goat-like features. They dwell in forests as nature spirits. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Greek and Roman Mythology starting with 'E'This section of the Greek and Roman Mythology provides short definitions of the gods, goddesses, people, places and events that feature in Roman and Greek myths and legends. His jealous wife, Hera, reacted by killing Lamias children and turning her into a hateful monster a woman above the waist and a serpent below. An eagle is also considered the king of the birds. In some stories, the golem is the perfect servant. His sole purpose is to serve his creator. what about the Gorgons? (Is any member of a large class of female nature entities, either bound to a particular location or landform or joining the retinue of a god or goddess. A unicorns horn also is known as the bane of evil in that it has the ability to dispel anything malignant in water and can also kill most truly evil creatures it comes in to contact with. They have a human upper body and the lower body of a horse. According to Arabic mythology, ghouls ate human flesh. They are like water nymphs who can even fall in love with humans. This adjective comes from the imagery that the bible paints of the monster Behemoth. ), Selkie var vclk_options = {sid:80152,media_id:6,media_type:8,version:"1.4"}. The most popular story of the golem is from Prague. (Is a fearsome member of a mythical anthropomorph race from Scandinavia. The name, Chupacabras, comes from the Spanish words, chupar, which means to suck, and cabras, which means goats. Thus, Chupacabras literally translates to goat-sucker.. ), F: Fairies When possessed by the Wendigo, a human will suddenly desire human flesh. Web1 Bao a Qu 2 Aatxe 3 Abaasy 4 Abada ADVERTISEMENT 5 bd 6 Abaia 7 Abarimon 8 Abath 9 Abura-Sumashi 10 Acephali 11 Acheri 12 Achlis ADVERTISEMENT 13 Adar Thus, stories often warn of goblins who will steal from you. I'll be honest, putting together a complete list of mythical creatures is intimidating, mostly because there are so many. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Puerto Rico, Mexico, United StatesOther names: El Chupacabra, Chupacabras, As far as mythical creatures go, the Chupacabra is one of the scariest. Drawings of mythical creatures often differ because of an artists interpretation. A who's-who of the heroes, villains, gods, goddesses, monsters and mythical creatures in classical Roman and Greek mythology. A phoenix can live up to 500 years. They believe that sightings of this beast are actually only giant squids or octopuses. - The whirlpool on one side of the Strait of Messina that swallowed ships that came too close to it. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: EnglandOther names: Boogeyman, Boogie Man, Boogie Monster, Boogie Woogie. (Meaning punished one or he who was punished by heaven is a Pre-Qin Dynasty mythological headless giant. (Generally described as human in appearance and having magical powers, in modern culture they are often depicted as young, sometimes winged, humanoids of small stature, they originally were depicted much differently: tall, radiant, angelic beings or short, wizened trolls. Giant of Trapani. Type of creature: LandPlace of origin: Ancient GreeceOther names: Minotaurus. - Part-lion, part-goat, part-snake - all monster. Some say they are real and believe to have seen them; others are just not that into them. afreet or afrit a powerful evil demon or giant monster androsphinx a sphinx having the head of a man banshee (in Irish folklore) a female spirit whose wailing warns of impending death basilisk (in classical legend) a serpent that could kill by its breath or glance behemoth a gigantic beast, probably a hippopotamus, described in Job 40:15 Bigfoot