Stefan soon approached Damon, who recounted seeing the townspeople dragging Katherine into the church and setting it on fire. Waiting for me, challenging me to fight back to stop him. Stefan later asks Elena why did she save him from the burning car, and calls her pathetic when she says she still has hope, causing his ex-girlfriend to stab him. This is a special video for my. Matt shows up and just when they are going to let Sarah go, Enzo comes back. The Sheriff goes into cardiac arrest. They then planned a course of action to get around the guards who were on watch for the vampires, and eventually made it to the cage where Katherine was being held captive. Elena then wakes up looking to them a bit confused, it is then revealed that Katherine injected Elena's body with the enhanced Ripper Compound that Wes had made making Elena a vampire ripper just like Damon. In The Last Day, Stefan respects Elena's decision on using the Elixir that Elijah has to save her. Stefan had a tattoo of a rose on his right shoulder. Rebekah however knows what the Salvatore brother wants and she gives him the dagger herself. Damon turned his eyes to Sam and Dean. But Caroline says that after everything, she doesn't want to be friends with him anymore. But Caroline tells him that Ric just really needs her there. After some banter with Stefan, Damon tells him he'll run into a problem as the house no longer belongs to them, but to another person. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. His attitude is much like that as when Damon first arrived in Mystic Falls in the season one premiere. Stefan is mad and says that Damon wanted Elena to stay a vampire and that's why he didn't stop Rebekah. Damon and Stefan realized that they have a new secret weapon: Bonnie. When Damon told Stefan to turn off his humanity, Stefan refused in case he escaped. The television switches and he changes the channel. He attended Harvard during the 1970's. Stefan then went to meet Damon, who had also planned to let himself die. With the cure in hand, Enzo leaves, while Stefan moves to sit in the chair, Stefan agrees to helping the Travelers and Caroline see a blade in Sloan's hand and tells her that she said that her weren't going to hurt him, but Sloan say that they need his blood for the spell. Later, Elena arrives at the cabin where Stefan is, she is worried about him because she believes he has been sleeping with Qetsiyah. Damon mocks him with Ms. Cuddles and, annoyed, Stefan grabs and kicks Bonnie's teddy bear across the field uncovering a cloaking spell which was hiding a house. However, Stefan was not entirely different from the person he had been before the memory loss. Stefan and Caroline make out in celebration. Again, believing that he is drunk, the police officer arrests him and handcuffs him. Supernatural information She confesses she killed his boss, Dean, after she woke up when he was burying her in the woods. After saying their final goodbyes Stefan finds peace and had a joyful reunion with Lexi. Stefan then tells her that all that he did to get the cure was for her and it is her choice of being who she wants and then he returns it to Elena. He introduces her to the Salvatore family tradition of a chocolate shake which is really a ploy to call her out about lying about her relation to the family. He can see that something is troubling Jeremy and after talking with him, he finds out that Bonnie might die if she uses too much power to kill Klaus. Enzo relents and unpins Damon, who escapes the flames. She initially resisted his interest, but not long after that, they became romantically involved. Stefan's cell phone number is 404-358-4345. Katherine is drunk, feeling hopeless about the fact that she is dying. No one seems to be inside. Julian ask what he is talking about and Stefan tells him that Maria is dead, Stefan tries to comfort Julian, but he recoils angry, Caroline tells him that It wasn't Stefan's fault, Stefan say that he wasn't the one that killed her. Stefan tries to make Damon to change his mind, Damon tells him that he doesn't want to be saved and Stefan should find himself a new hobby and that he feels better 'like' he is. Later he is in the Salvatore's mansion burning his diaries, and Elena and Damon arrive. She tells Stefan to care enough about Damon to save him. The two discussed their options, and both brothers seemingly agreed to die without transitioning, as neither one wanted to be a vampire without Katherine. Stefan begs him not to by saying that if there is the tiniest part of him that cares for him at all, then he will not walk out that door. Caroline then gets up to say thank you to everyone that came, and then began to sing "Go In Peace". When Katherine went to see Stefan that night and bit him so that she could feed on his blood as a form of foreplay, the vervain within Stefan's blood had poisoned and incapacitated her. As Stefan leaves the boarding house, Damon intercepts him and asks what he's up to. Stefan Salvatore - Wikipedia The death of a vampire could be counted twice if their human death also appeared in the present or past. She sees April and decides to go say hi to her while Stefan goes to find something stronger than beer. And he responds that she should be scared because he knows how deep down she can fall and how difficult it is to climb back out. He'll take it. While he's trying to get it out Katherine goes behind him and pushes his head in the vervained water while she manages to get out the cure. In Rose, Stefan and Damon have to rescue Elena, when she is kidnapped and held by two vampires called Trevor and Rose. Elena and Stefan talk about the cure and Elena says that she can't take it if it's only one dose. Stefan's car is a red 1963 Porsche 356B Karmann Coupe. Damon walks in and tells him, "You did really well tonight." Stefan Salvatore: The Vampire Diaries Character Guide When the Veil is restored, Lexi disappears, leaving Stefan alone. Salvatore Family, Forbes Family, Mystic Falls Gang, Mystic Falls High School. Stefan reminds that the last time a witch linked to him to his doppelgnger, she fried his brain and he lost his memory, Sloan replied that they will be careful. Stefan's eyes were open, but barely, his skin still a light sheen of gray. Rayna had Damon and Caroline taken and wants to know which person brought him out of hiding. She hands him the herbs and tells him not to worry because Shane won't be back any time soon, she has made sure of that. In For Whom the Bell Tolls, After Stefan loses his memories, spending time with his brother Damon who is determined to help him recover his memory. According to Damon, Stefan got straight A's and had attended many ivy league schools. In Christmas Through Your Eyes, Stefan's hand is forced when he has to be the bearer of devastating news to Caroline. It turns out that Stefan has begged her to do that as they've heard how reckless the elder Salvatore has become. In the woods, Stefan senses something and looks around. In the episode 1912, it was revealed that this was the year that Stefan went into "ripper" mode again. Elena says that she was hungry and she gets out of bed and starts undressing in front of him. They discuss recent events, acknowledging that now they all know about the cure and will have to work together going forward. Bonnie is talking with Enzo about their last hope lost, Bonnie looks behind Enzo and sees Stefan standing there, Enzo also turns around, but sees nothing, she says his name and Enzo is surprised by that, Bonnie can't believe what is happening and she approaches to Stefan's ghost, Stefan begs her to tell him that she has figured out a way to bring them all back but Bonnie tells him that she lost it, Stefan is sad for this and then he touches her shoulders and passes through her to the other side. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. In I Never Could Love Like That, Caroline drops a body from the caf rafters, trying to scare the employee to death. As Katherine see that her daughter is gone for good, she tries to escape but Damon stops her. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. An unseen person removes the chains and the lock that bind Stefan to the table. Caroline asked him why Katherine had done this to her, but Stefan didn't know. Caroline tilted her head as she looked at the body, thinking. With vampire speed, Stefan grabs Connor and leaves. Stefan reveals that hating Klaus was easy because it allowed him to ignore everything happening around him, everything he let slip away. Damon remarks that Elena is not looking so good, and they banter quietly about jealousy and keeping secrets. Stefan tells Damon that could be a bit of a problem, then Nadia appears asking for it. Damon asks Stefan if he's in love, before seeing that Stefan isn't because is he was in love wouldn't need to ask Damon about it, then advises him to bail now before Caroline gets hurt, just not today, "give her today". He asks Tyler to warn Caroline as he douses his with gas. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. Elena says that he shouldn't compare her to Katherine because she's been running for so long that she's afraid of her own shadow while she is not afraid of anything. One night, Stefan and Katherine had spent a passionate night together. Under compulsion, Stefan reveals Elena slept with Damon. Alaric enters with breakfast s'mores, the best reason to incinerate something. Later when it's revealed that Stefan has another living relative Sarah Nelson (who was born as Sarah Salvatore), Enzo tries to use the information as leverage before Stefan shoots down his hopes of it ruining his relationship with Damon. Klaus also adds that him and Stefan work well together, or at least they did back in the twenties. Their skin starts to burn, both of them run speed off to the Grill where is Matt, Stefan tells to him that they've got to get out of here. Stefan hops on his bike, only for it to fall to pieces. Damon thinks Stefan is the one who won't be able to handle him taking the cure, until Damon learns that this was all Elena's idea. They became separated due to Damon's death in Home, and reunited in The World Has Turned and Left Me Here. Stefan and Caroline figure out that Katherine is in Elena's body. He has to deal with and immortal named Silas. He also told Elena how he and Damon became vampires. He gives her a koala corsage and then they dance. In Because, Stefan and Caroline check into a bed and breakfast for a little R&R. She says that he's hurt and he's acting out, that this is not his true self. Later on, Stefan goes home to find Damon as he got Damon's text. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. He opens a bottle of bear and starts to drink it when his phone goes. Forbes comes back to life. Their first relationship during Season Seven is strained a bit until Stefan and Caroline are forced to breakup for three years. The doppelgnger gives her the cure and runs away using her vampire speed. At first, it includes frozen diners and paperwork, then drinking to dull the resentment and unfulfilling marriage, then more misery having to live as a widower. Stefan ignores her warning and goes straight to saying what he should have said at her mom's funeral in hopes that it'll will her to turn her humanity back on. Seasons later, after Stefan sacrificed his life to help save Mystic Falls from hellfire, they are reunited in peace, in death. Stefan goes up against Beau and nearly gets staked but is saved as Lily arrives and commands them to stop. In the meantime back at Mystic Falls Caroline tries to help Klaus and finally they realize that his pain is caused just from an illusion. Stefan's mother visited him in his sleep after her "death". She says that Lily let her go. Later Elena is leaving Rebekah's house and Stefan gets out of a limousine carrying flowers Elena says that doesn't need a babysitter and Stefan said that the last time he saw her she snapped the waitress' spine, Elena says it got him to stop searching for the cure and Damon shows up behind her and says that they are here to make sure she holds up her end of the deal and Damon tells her not to eat the prom queen, Damon asks if he may put the corsage on Elena she refuses and he forcefully puts it on her and compliments her on the dress Elena thanks him and says that she stole it and gets inside the limo, later Stefan and Damon are walking with Elena and Damon asks "where's the disco ball" Stefan says that Caroline has been working on photo yearbook of the senior class for a while, and Stefan shows Elena a photo of her and Matt in first day of freshman year, Elena remembers that her mom took that when she dropped them off at school and it switches to a photo of her and Jeremy and says that she's going to get a seizure by looking at these photos. and Stefan w. He is a 500 plus year old vampire born during the time of The Renaissance, who was one of the Salvatore brothers that fell in love with Katherine von Swartzschild during his human life (which was the time of the Italian Renaissance) and before he was transformed into a vampire. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. Stefan made clear to her that it isn't true. Stefan was the youngest child of Giuseppe Salvatore and Lillian Salvatore. Stefan later has a heartfelt reunion with Damon when he escapes the Prison World he was sent to following the Other Side's destruction. She adds that they're crashing Bonnie's college visit, as the professor who took over her Grams' classes teaches there and invited her. Damon tries to wake him but it doesn't work. Later in the evening, Stefan began to notice that he had heightened senses, including super-hearing. Then Enzo slams the door shut and stakes Stefan from behind with a pole. Episode Count Giuseppe Salvatore (1st time, as a human)Julian (1st time, as a vampire)Nora Hildegard (2nd time, as a vampire)Rayna Cruz (3rd time, as a vampire)Himself (2nd time, as a human) Later, Stefan helps remove peculiar wooden bullets from Tyler's chest. Later, Stefan visits Caroline and she demands to know where he was. Best 23 Stefan Salvatore Quotes - NSF - Magazine - Need Some Fun They fill it with gas while they talk. Stefan explains that Silas wants to die and be reunited with his one true love, but he's also supernatural so if he takes the cure and dies he'll be stuck on the other side. Whilst still at the Grill sometime later, he answers the phone to an unknown caller, revealed as a now un-daggered Rebekah who says she has Elena hostage at the school and expects to see him there soon. When Stefan touches one of the bullets, it burns him, and Caroline speculates that the bullets might have been spelled by a witch. After Elena rejected Stefan's attempt to kiss her and informed him she was dating his brother, he was thoroughly confused and hurt to know she had not told him beforehand. He sees that it is Klaus and is greeted by him. Elena stays at Stefan's old apartment, hides from Klaus and Stefan who hides from Elena before he takes a wine. Stefan asks him what "the Five" is, and Damon says he's hoping he'll find something in the boxes that explains that. Stefan interrupts them and starts explaining to Klaus the reason he called him. They slide in the school corridor while Matt is sneaking behind them so that he could put her down when Stefan gets the dagger. He then has to face the consequences of his actions when his compulsion on others wears off and is temporarily detained before Caroline has him freed. A miss comes out of the sprinkling system as a woman with scabs and sores all over her face says "night, night" to them. Stefan, with a few choice comments from Damon, tells Elena that she was in an accident, that Meredith Fell had healed her with vampire blood the other night and that she had died with vampire blood in her system. He questions why everyone trusts him and tells him that at the end of the day Stefan is just like Enzo. Unfortunately for Stefan, he ended up being dragged back to Mystic Falls due to unexpected drama. In one of the visions of Katherine is reveals to Damon that she met Stefan before than him, and for Stefan, she made the decision to stay in their home. Damon leaves and Stefan sees Caroline on the street outside. Physically, Stefan was described to be classically handsome and athletic, with a brooding, mysterious and intense aura. In the same moment Matt also comes and when he sees his friend dead he starts to cry. Stefan was born and raised in the supernatural town of Mystic Falls, Virginia and came of age during the time of the Civil War. That was until Damon had asked him to drink human blood with him and feed on, Stefan's last name in the show was originally going to be ". Later, Stefan is seen at the hospital looking for Liam. He asks her out about the man that was looking for them, but she give him a straight answer. However after Damon fails to return, he is left devastated at the loss of his brother as the Other Side collapses. Was it over? "I'm gonna kill him!", you yelled. In I'll Wed You in the Golden Summertime, Stefan takes Damon on a trip to convince him not to take the cure. Stefan talks to Damon over the phone about each other's situations. When Stefan tries to charge him, Enzo snaps his neck easily. They got Katherine out of the cage, but as soon as they were ready to escape with her, Damon was shot by an unknown person. In the end of the episode, Stefan is shown back at the Salvatore boarding house, saying as Klaus left town, he's been ordered to keep Elena safe (for the reason that her blood is needed to create hybrids). He looses control and ends up killing her. As Tyler arrives, Rebekah provokes him into transforming, compelling Elena, Stefan and Caroline not to 'vamp run' in the hallways. Caroline points out that Elena must know that the younger Gilbert is not going to wake up. Damon leaves, and Elena admits that although she was able to feed successfully, she hated the experience and how it made her feel. Caroline is infuriated to learn that Stefan has been in Savannah for almost two months, not trying to help Damon and Bonnie. At the party, Stefan finds Enzo and is ready to attack him but Enzo hears something and deflects a stake thrown by Stefan with a bag of ice in his hand. He managed to pull two people off of the bus when responsive cars drive towards him. Killed by She says she is happy that she has started over. There's a bright white light, and Katherine seems to go into it. She writes a note to her daughter Nadia. Stefan says that Elijah can tell him where they are and they can all talk it through. Stefan Salvatore X Reader: New Vampire - All Fandom Oneshots During the years following his transition, despite the help from close friend Lexi Branson, Stefan has constantly battled with his bloodlust, and during the 1900s after "falling off the wagon" due to Damon's unhealthy influence, he widely became known as the Ripper of Monterey due to his inability to control his blood thirst. Stefan Salvatore is a fictional character and one of the two main protagonists from L. J. Smith 's novel series The Vampire Diaries. After that Elena says that he clearly cares about her. Stefan's life has been fraught with constant change and various complications: from falling in love and being with Elena to mending his complicated relationship with Damon; from sacrificing his freedom for his brother's life to growing apart from Elena after her transition to a vampire, and suffering the guilt that came from making a split-second decision that resulted in Elena becoming a vampire. Stefan disagrees and asks her to open her mind to him. Lily tells him that Julian is nothing like Stefan's father. He realizes that Sarah or the pretend Sarah is fake because he has been keeping tabs on her since the day she left. Caroline was healed of her injuries from a car crash by Damon and suffocated by Katherine. Alaric is not happy to see him, reminding him about how he lied about being on the trail of a way to bring back Damon and Bonnie.