It fits that out of all the traitor primarchs Mortarion would be the only one whose soul still resists and thus be more suitable for salvation (which sounds way cheaper than launching crusades at random until you come across a loyalist primarch). While Mortarion initially toyed with the warrior to humiliate him, after taking a wound he became enraged and struck the warrior down. I use it. Horus, a master manipulator who knew what was in his brother's heart, revealed to Mortarion that he knew that the Emperor had dealt with the powers of the Warp to gain the knowledge needed to create the Primarchs. This week's Hammer of Math takes a look at one of the biggest boosts in the 9th Edition Codex: Death Guard. Back on Ullanor, even at the height of their triumph, he had not possessed quite the same heft. During the subsequent assault on Terra itself at the end of the Heresy by the Traitor Legions, the Death Guard were part of Horus' invasion force. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. He was given command of the Death Guard Legion on the arrival of the Emperor to his world of Barbarus but turned to the forces of Chaos during the Horus Heresy. Never relenting in battle beneath their Primarch's gaze, they pursued the liberation of Mankind with a fervour the Great Crusade had never known. [6a] Mortarion led his Legion in their betrayal of the Imperium at the Battle of Isstvan III and Drop Site Massacre. Guilliman's return sparked Mortarion's interest in material affairs once more, and for the first time in 10,000 years he decided to lead the whole of the Death Guard in a renewed campaign. Many of these Loyalist Death Guard Astartes were Terran-born, former Dusk Raiders like Battle-Captain Nathaniel Garro of the 7th Great Company whose loyalty to the Emperor outweighed their devotion to their Primarch. Horus also used Mortarion's distrust of the Warp to his advantage, arguing that the Emperor had used the Warp in the creation of the Primarchs. Didn't Khan come back to life and end up fucking off into the webway after that? When he returned, there was word of an amazing visitor who brought promises of salvation. The only consistent information regarding Mortarion and his homeworld come from a single source: the Stygian Scrolls of Lackland Thorn, a historian and polymath attached to the explorator fleet that discovered Barbarus. As the clouds above them began to glow, a vibrant shard of light speared down from the smog, crackling as it hit the stone below. In battle, his dark panoply is made up of the following wargear and equipment: Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 19 Council of Nikaea, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 22 Traitors, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 25 Heresy, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 27 Massacre, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 29 The Siege, Warhammer 40,000 Grim Dark Lore Part 40 Indomitus. You are the Death Guard. Though Mortarion ultimately escaped, it would be many long Terran years before he could enter the mortal realm once more. Soon, representatives from other villages journeyed to learn from Mortarion, while the villages scattered across the valleys of the world were transformed into strongpoints. ov y j_ ag gg E fifr* -#-- r O Games Workshop Ltd, Willow Rd, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS games-workshop. I set bounds on it"[13a]. In his place, the Grey Knights elevated the hero Kaldor Draigo amidst the din of the battlefield and Draigo immediately vowed vengeance against the Daemon Primarch. He considered what he had found, and then bundled the child up and carried it from the carnage. In Julie Otsuka's novel, When the Emperor was Divine, a nameless Japanese-American family is uprooted, exported, and abandoned by their own government. The Citadel Colour System breaks down painting your models into just a few easy steps. There had been no detail then, no authentication, just stray astropathic messages of dubious provenance. He was the champion, the sacrificial king. They were condemned to an endless life of servitude and were in constant fear of those who moved above them. His brother had tasted the fruits of treachery and found them bitter. Allegiance With the prevailing conditions on Barbarus and the foul beings that more than likely still stalked the planet's fog-shrouded mountains and deep swamps, there were whispers that the human population that remained would have been better off if they had been euthanised or displaced to a "cleaner" world for the sake of the sanity of future generations. Later in the Battle of Molech, Mortarion sacrificed several of his Deathshroud warriors to allow for the resurrection of Ignatius Grulgor. Chaos(Death Guard) The family, along with thousands of others, lived in an internment camp for the duration of World War II, their only crime being their Japanese heritage. Only then did the stranger reveal himself to be the Emperor of Mankind and Mortarion's father. He enlisted the aid of blacksmiths, craftsmen and artificers to create suits of armour that would allow men to travel through the poisonous fog. I think Emps has ascended to the point where he is legitimately beyond anything close to mortal emotions in the way we can understand them. the emperor speaks to mortarion - [22c], Sometime after the formation of the Great Rift, Mortarion battled his brother Perturabo in the War of Rust and Ruin. Seeking to understand its horrors, two noble primarchs have come to Galaspar, summoning their brother to account for his actions. But the foul creature laughed at Mortarion's efforts. The end of Old Night and the beginning of a brighter future for mankind. January 18, 2021. Florida's Governor Ron DeSantis is frequently found standing before a podium, facing the cameras, attacking "woke" Democrats while promoting legislation some call fascist and pursuing an authoritarian agenda. Alone and unaided, Draigo smashed his way through Mortarion's bodyguard of Plague Marines, struck the ancient Primarch to the ground and carved Geronitan's name on the Daemon Prince's diseased heart. This would be the end of an epoch. It polluted the vessels themselves as easily as it did the transhuman warriors within. Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard Legion before the Horus Heresy. Mortarion: The Pale King by David Annandale | Goodreads the emperor speaks to mortarion - For better or worse, the Death Lord had come home. The XIV Legion's Astartes had been primarily Terran-born before Mortarion joined the Legion; after that time almost all of the Legion's Neophytes were drawn from the Feral World of Barbarus. Hawaiian Character - Works | Archive of Our Own The Khan was no fool, of course this new galaxy would all be led by Horus. His signature weapon was the Manreaper Silence, a battle scythe a foot taller than him. [19] During a war council he mocked Perturabo for not fully embracing Chaos but nonetheless allowed Typhus to work with the Iron Warriors Primarch as part of a ritual to weaken the Emperor's psychic shield of the Palace. the emperor speaks to mortarion - Moreover, it was no mere squadron that had arrived, but an entire Death Guard battle group. Warhammer 40,000 8th Edition Daemon Prince Mortarion. The attacks were slow but relentless, wearing down Ultramar's defending Ultramarines and their vaunted Ultramar Auxilia. But even death brought no freedom from its torment. In an attempt to resist the daemon's brutal attack, he tore at it with his hands, still relying on the immeasurable strength in his transhuman musculature. In spite of being the favored son of Nurgle and one of the coolest models in all of 40k . Wherever they travel they spread the joyful, exuberant poxes of Nurgle, gifting those who would know eternal life with the choicest of the Plague God's blessings. 'Emperor With No Clothes': DeSantis Mocked for Being Unable to Say How An ancient Remembrancer sketch from Carpinius' Speculum Historiale of the Primarch Mortarion during the Great Crusade. The Lord of Death appeared aboard the Vengeful Spirit, his putrid stench sending all but Horus, Abaddon, and Tormageddon into convulsions. Something burned in him, dark like old embers. Couch theft as redemption in whatever way you'd like. Mortarion, also known as the "Pale King," the "Death Lord" or the "Prince of Decay" after he turned to Chaos, was one of the original twenty Imperial primarchs created by the Emperor of Mankind. [11] Mortarion expressed a hatred of all things related to the Warp, and felt betrayed when he managed to sneak into the Imperial Palace and discovered the Golden Throne under construction. Enraged, Mortarion engaged Typhon in a duel, with the First Captain's psychic abilities allowing him to hold off the Primarch's attacks for a time. Though he hated the concept of relying on what he considered witchery, even in one of his own Astartes, Mortarion was left with little choice. Who can be certain, but I do not think he said what he said to torture Morty for the sake of being cruelthat is beneath him. Mortarion did not know it, but this voice was that of the Chaos God Nurgle, who had already chosen Mortarion to become his greatest mortal champion. Mortarion is a very flawed protagonist which provides a poignant contrast to the many advantages he has been gifted (immortality, super intelligence, son of the Emperor, those sort of advantages). Daemon Primarch Mortarion leads the Forces of Chaos against the Grey Knights. So inhumanly neutral. True to his oath, Mortarion bent his knee to his new-found father as soon as he was sufficiently recovered to do so, although his final act of defiance on Barbarus would leave scars upon him both physical and mental that would never fully heal. Compelled by fate or circumstance, the Ynnari lent their aid to Archmagos Belisarius Cawl, Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Katarinya Greyfax and rescued them from the forces of Abaddon on Klaisus, the ice moon of Kasr Holn after the fall of Cadia. The two primarchs traded deadly blows, tearing into one another, each strike powered by raw defiance. Mortarion had chafed at this role, while the Khan had embraced it. He was given command of the Death Guard Space Marine Legion on the arrival of the Emperor to his homeworld of Barbarus, but he turned to the service of Chaos during the Horus Heresy. In the horrific ruins, Cults of Corruption slithered out of hiding, summoning forth further aid from the Realm of Chaos itself. Only he remained pure, free of the corruption wrought by the Warp. Horus went from the greatest, to a cry baby demigod who couldn't handle his job. It would coil within his heart like a rancid viper, and provide the seed of weakness that the Plague God Nurgle would later exploit. But the Khan was not fooled by his brother's sincerity. Mortarion would later live among the farmers in the valleys, and taught them warfare too after he fended off an enemy warlord with a scythe. When Mortarion had recovered he bent his knee to the stranger and pledged his service. Mortarion merely shrugged -- Horus would be the start of the new order. Mortarion Redeemed, how? : r/40kLore - reddit He brings decay and sickness, despair and fear to all those who witness his dark majesty. In one conversation in Plague Wars Ku'gath, a greater daemon of Nurgle and Mortarion of the Death Guard discuss the possibility that the Emperor is awaking: the emperor speaks to mortarion - Within the Eye of Terror, Mortarion was elevated to become a Daemon Prince by Nurgle, and given control of a Daemon World, now known as the Plague Planet, which he moulded into a new and despicable form, making it a virtual copy of Barbarus, placing himself in his adoptive father's position as its chief tyrant. Eventually, the time he had waited for arrived, a way to prove himself in the eyes of his fellow humans. The stranger commented that even Mortarion and his Death Guard were having trouble pacifying the final warlord, and offered a challenge. For too long, he had been used by all sides in the great conflict. The daemon continued to taunt the Primarch, goading him. Garro died, but not before giving Mortarion a painful wound in his neck with the broken shard of Libertas. However this was assailed in a massive counterattack led by Mortarion's old foe Jaghatai Khan, leading a force of White Scars and Imperial Army. When the twenty primarchs of the Space Marine Legions were scattered across the galaxy in a mysterious accident, one came to rest on the planet Barbarus, a world wreathed in poisonous fog where the most advanced technology was that of steam power. Geronitan's subordinate, Kaldor Draigo, assaulted the Daemon Primarch and spoke the true name that the Emperor had originally intended for him[8]. He ruled over a toxic death world of poison, horror and misery, with his own position ironically mirroring the one his monstrous step-father had held on Barbarus. The Emperor seems pretty confident that he can fix things. The Death Guard were subjected to the terrible infection of the Destroyer Plague and Nurgle's Rot, as Nurgle's power managed to infiltrate the vessels of the XIV Legion. Warhammer 40K: The Emperor Awakens! - Bell of Lost Souls The mood of the primarch darkened. The Emperor granted Mortarion command of the XIV Space Marine Legion, then known as the Dusk Raiders, who quickly adopted the name, iconography and dogma of Mortarion's Death Guard. [Needs Citation], It was said that Mortarion brought his relentlessness to the Death Guard legion and they followed his ideals. At the heart of them was the unshakeable determination that Mankind should be free of oppression and terror. a smashing good time, turning the Six of them were Legionaries. Jaghatai had been right -- the Death Lord was on his own with them. He taught everything of warfare to Mortarion. Silence the witches. . [19a] Mortarion next met with Magnus in order to discuss an attack on the Colossi Gate, revealing to his brother that he hated his current Daemonic visage and was in constant pain. The Khan observed him guardedly, for Mortarion had always been hard to read. In the solar decades that followed the renamed XIV Legion fought tirelessly in the service of the Great Crusade. When the bombardment finally relented, the few survivors crept slowly from whatever refuge they had been able to find. Their weapons and armour were powered by the energies of Chaos and they became known as the Plague Marines, although they would still use the name Death Guard[7]. Mortarion continued to improve the breathing apparatus and campaigned ever higher into the fog. The VI Legion's fleet had mustered at the Alaxxes Nebula to lick its wounds after the recent campaign, when it was beset by the forces of the Alpha Legion. He sat for millennia in a Plague Fortress atop a tall mountain surrounded by toxic clouds, just like the adoptive father he despised in centuries long since forgotten. Primarch Roboute Guilliman and his Ultramarines face the vile Daemon Primarch Mortarion on the world of Iax. When he recovered, Mortarion swore fealty to the stranger as he had promised, who revealed himself to be Mortarion's true gene-father, the Emperor of Mankind. Abaddon the Despoiler united the disparate factions of the Eye of Terror and unleashed the 13th Black Crusade to bring ruin to the world that had proven his nemesis for millennia. On Barbarus, Mortarion climbs into the mountains to face the High Overlord Necare for the final time. Mortarion did not make empty threats. Mortarion then revealed his trump card: unleashing the deformed Ignatius Grulgor from his confines. He formed them into elite units and drilled them himself. I control it. If Magnus had not already made up his mind on which side of the conflict he would be on, then he soon would, and then Mortarion would be surrounded. Thinking for a moment that the worst was finally over, they soon saw dirty contrails of Drop Pods split the smoke-barred skies. At this time the Emperor appeared, and challenged Mortarion to slay the Overlord alone, or swear fealty to him. "Pain is an illusion of the senses, fear an illusion of the mind, beyond these only death waits as silent judge o'er all.". The constant exposure to the toxins hardened his warriors, a useful and transferable skill retained by the Death Guard. As they hacked and countered, neither giving up a single measure of ground, their blood mingled upon their blades' edges, as rich and dark as wine. In the ensuing Overlord Wars the peasants fought back as best they could, but they only had fire torches and farming implements to defend themselves. However after Malcador explained that the purpose of the Golden Throne was to remove mankind's need of the Warp, Mortarion was put more at ease. HOW TO PAINT: Mortarion, Daemon Primarch of Nurgle. Some Primarchs, such as Roboute Guilliman, feared that Mortarion was more loyal to Horus than he was to the Emperor; however, at that time, the Emperor claimed that loyalty to Horus was de facto loyalty to Himself. The void around him now seethed with witchery, more virulent than ever. However, the young primarch's questions began to turn towards subjects the Overlord did not want to talk about, namely the pitiful creatures in the valleys that the many warlords preyed upon for corpses to reanimate and bodies to warp. Jaghatai realised that his brother had come to persuade him to join the Traitors' cause. He was seen as just another monster from above them, and this was quite true due to his appearance. True to his earlier pledge, Horus let Mortarion's Death Guard be the first to land upon Terra. [1][6b], When the confrontation came, it was mercifully short. Whether that is because of his: 3. Enraged, Mortarion backed away, and his scythe Silence crackled into life, sparking with green-tinged energy. Has GW went against established canon for Horus character? Accusing them of agents of Malcador, Typhon had his Grave Wardens execute all of the Navigators but assured Mortarion that he and his trained specialists could navigate the Warp to Terra. He then moved his mansion past this to keep it from the child. . [Excerpt: Dark Imperium, Godblight] Guilliman talks to the current Emperor The Death Lord had never hidden what he wanted. Mortarion knew that he was now surrounded by the damned. Mortarion is one of those rare Warhammer Primarchs that has three tabletop models. 'Divine One,' he said, before he knew he was going to say anything at all. He realised that the prey that the warlords fought over was his own people, and with this came a sense of hatred and he vowed to give them justice over their oppressors. Their restless fleet ploughed the cold void from one campaign to the next, resupplying on the move, never pausing but to make war. However thanks to the Emperor's power being infused into him by Keeler, Garro was able to fight Mortarion back for a time but was still ultimately no match for the Daemon Primarch's power. The martial stratifications of Old Earth's warmasters were done away with too, and eventually the XIV Legion's Librarius was disbanded thanks to Mortarion's hatred of witchery such as that the hated charnel masters of Barbarus had once wielded. Inspired by the Roboutian Heresy, this is the tale of Lion El'Jonson's fall to Chaos as he leads half of his brothers (and not necessarily the ones you might think) in rebellion against the Emperor. I do not wallow in this corruption. The virulent plagues infected the fleet while they drifted aimlessly through the Warp, making a mockery of the Death Guard's legendary resistance to toxins and contagions. . His physical form devastated and his spirit sent to the Immaterium, Draigo carved his forebear's name into the Daemon's heart, an insult Mortarion has never forgotten. [Excerpt- The Verdict of the Scythe] Mortarion tries being benevolent, he feels icky. Guilliman heard Mortarion speak, but he could not see, and he could sense nothing else but pain. Sure no one likes Mortarion but this Noiratrom guy seems ok. Might be one last fight against chaos and being Horus'd, might actually be redemption - but both would mean moving the setting forward and I think we'll be waiting quite a while for that, besides the disdain community has for some implications of it. Upon Macragge, the Chapter homeworld of the Ultramarines, a miracle was wrought within the Fortress of Hera through the technological prowess of Belisarius Cawl and the power of Ynnead as embodied in his priestess Yvraine, the Daughter of Shade. Mortarion told his brother that he should not have thrown in his lot with Sanguinius, let alone Magnus. I have no idea why people think Mortarion was not loved. Mortarion flew into a rage, which the Khan took advantage of to launch a second wave of dizzying attacks that overwhelmed the Primarch. He could free him from Nurgles service with a true death, but not yet. Where the seeds of corruption had been planted by the Plague That Walks, a new and terrible contamination spread. He would not countenance a new Emperor -- neither himself nor Mortarion. Magic makes life easier for any adventurer, and if you're a Diviner, then it gets even easier. However he was able to find a weakness in the Death Lord with his pride. It mattered not how many trinkets the Primarch rattled or waved -- this power of the Warp would not be denied. Condemned to a deathless state of decay, the Death Guard would spread their pestilent diseases the length and breadth of the galaxy for the greater glory of Chaos. Though the Primarch's physical strength was enormous, the daemon knew that it would not help him, for she was not a creature of realspace, defined and constrained only by laws and powers that the Primarch feared to invoke. Two accompany him at all times and are never more than forty-nine paces from his side. You can help Lexicanum by fixing it. the emperor speaks to mortarion. [20], Mortarion's plan against Guilliman reached its climax on Iax, luring his brother there in cooperation with Ku'gath, who created a deadly disease known as the Godblight which was capable of killing even a Primarch. From that power base, the Death Guard and daemonic Plague Legions issued, systematically reaping planet after planet. Hammer of Math: Killing Mortarion | Goonhammer After hundreds of battles and wars, there was just one inaccessible mansion, one which Mortarion knew well, the one where his adoptive father resided. Drive them out, and rule would pass to the uncorrupted, the healthy, those untouched by the Warp. I dont see anyone rejoining the imperium though, too much bad blood. Does Mortarion ever evolve from a Saturday Morning Cartton villain? [1][6b], The winner of the battle in which Mortarion had landed was the greatest of the warlords. I think "saved" in his eyes would be the chance to die a true death back in the good graces of their creator. If he is planting a seed of hope in a servant of despair, it is for the purpose of getting him on to a path to salvation. " I am not like you. [12] On Ynyx Mortarion and Typhon reunited, and their whole fleet set course of Terra for the coming battle. . When the Warmaster Horus turned to Chaos, it did not require much effort to drag Mortarion and his Legion down with him. The Overlord kept him caged to acclimate to the poison, and taught him the art of war. [1][6b], Mortarion then recruited the strongest and most resilient of warriors from the villages he went to. The daemon was the first to see a fragment of what Mortarion would eventually become in later centuries. 'Do you see, Guilliman, you follow the wrong master,' said Mortarion. As the creature died, and her quintessential matter was sucked back into the maw of the aether, she managed a mock salute, "Hail, Master of the Plague!" For example Guilliman heard his full list of official titles when the emperor called his name, but others would just hear the way they called him. Unlike the other speakers at Nikaea who stood against the use of psychic powers and who mostly harangued Magnus and reviled the Thousand Sons but brought little proof or argument to the debate, Mortarion's intervention was short, impersonal and to the point. By this simple decree the Dusk Raiders were no more, and the records and annals from that day forward would carry this new name as one to strike fear into the hearts of Mankind's enemies. Due to her telepathic abilities, she could broadcast her thoughts to them in real time while she spoke over the micro bead so that there would be minimal need to repeat herself to them. With communications severed and relief forces cut off by fresh Warp Storms, the defenders were hard-pressed in a hundred locations across Ultramar. Indeed, Mortarion had become disgusted with what exactly the Emperor was, considering him a Warp-tainted "aberration" like his tyrant adopted father. It's probably a very long ways off, and there's a chance they don't get there at all, but he does mean that he could save him. The people of Barbarus were slow to accept this pale, gaunt stranger from the mountains, but Mortarion was given a chance to prove his worth when creatures enthralled to another warlord attacked the village. The only candidates I can see would be Magnus and Morty. The Despoiler's agents repeated the same act on every world that harboured similar structures. Instead, as he stared with glowing eyes across the mist-wreathed parade grounds of his Plague Planet, and the massed ranks of Death Guard there assembled, Mortarion vowed that he would render Guilliman and his empire to rot soon enough. The Khan had seen the overall picture perfectly. Warriors of both sides soon fell, their bodies caked in the thickness of blood and dust, but the dispute raged on, bitter and unyielding. The Daemon explained that Mortarion's brothers had come to see the true order of things. Summoning up one last burst of energy, the Khan held position, panting hard as he dragged out the remnants of his power for the final clash. In an ironic twist of fate, Mortarion has become exactly like the Overlords of Barbarus he vowed to kill ten thousand years ago. He had seen them all -- the tyrants, the witches, the xenos filth. He wanted to know why his brothers Lorgar and Fulgrim willingly trafficked with the creature's kind. The Buried Dagger (The Horus Heresy, #54) - Goodreads The pre-industrial population of the world was split into two groups: the controlling . They were the outriders. So did systems fall, creating the Scourge Stars -- a trio of sickly star systems that had fallen to Nurgle.