found and claimed Pacific Ocean for Spain and called it the south sea Hernando Cortes 1519- to find gold glory and god. They had many tools that helped them navigate through the Atlantic Ocean. 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Although Europeans continued to trade with the east, especially the seagoing Venetians, the venture was expensive and unsanctioned by the Catholic Church, which forbade Christian trade with Muslim empires. In 1492, they completed the Reconquista: the centuries-long Christian conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. Motivated by curiosity, a desire to expand into new places, a longing to spread Christianity, and especially, a hope to tap into the lucrative Far East trade, Europeans of the 15th and 16th centuries looked outward and began to explore their world. Francisco Pizarro subdued the Incas of Peru in 1533. However, they also brought disease and existing conflicts between European nations. Smarting from their defeat at the hands of the Aztec, Corts slowly created alliances with native peoples who resented Aztec rule. Spanish and Portuguese explorations expanded the understanding of the world and the diversity of its people for future centuries. What was the difference between the Portuguese and Spanish trading Thus the goals of the Spanish conquest were quite different from the Portuguese. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. Chapter 15 Maritime Revolution - AP World History - Google Columbus held erroneous views that shaped his thinking about what he would encounter as he sailed west. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. Posted on . The Americas, Europe, and Africa Before 1492, Creating New Social Orders: Colonial Societies, 15001700, Rule Britannia! Their goals were to expand Catholicism and to gain a commercial advantage over Portugal. The Portuguese did not emphasize colonization in their new territories. Corts arrived on Hispaniola in 1504 and took part in the conquest of that island. Its hills and mountains, fine plains and open country, are rich and fertile for planting and for pasturage, and for building towns and villages. 247 lessons Alejandro Duran - Vice President - Reservoir and Consulting - LinkedIn As Western Europe transitioned from the regional divides of the middle ages to stronger centralized countries, kings and queens looked for ways of expanding their spheres of influence and world outlooks. explored ante empire in Mexico. They established posts in Guinea and Angola and a few island plantations to support their business ventures. With financial assistance from the maritime enthusiast Prince Henry the Navigator and the invention of lateen or triangular sails, the Portuguese opened trading routes along the African coast. The Jesuits attempted to covert the natives to Christianity, but most of the other colonists were more interested in pushing west to find gold and silver. This involved an exchange of plants, goods, ideas, and diseases from Europe to the Americas. 201-202. Carrack or Nao - Ages of Exploration - Mariners' Museum and Park Conquistadores Claim Land and Treasure (1500s) Hernando Cortes and Francisco Pizarro took over lots of land from Native Americans in South America and North America. Translated to conqueror, conquistadors were a class of men who especially partook in the age of exploration and discovery by leading expeditions to the New World with the understanding that conquest would gain them wealth and power with their monarchs. JMSE | Free Full-Text | Can a 16th Century Shipwreck Be Considered a Spanish Exploration And Colonization - 1015 Words | Studymode Starting in 1485, he approached Genoese, Venetian, Portuguese, English, and Spanish monarchs, asking for ships and funding to explore this westward route. Settlements sprang up at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, and in New Mexico in 1609. Who ruled the government of ancient Sumer? In the BFA programs, students receive practical training through the progression of hands-on projects that increase in complexity. I feel like its a lifeline. Sugar fueled the Atlantic slave trade, and the Portuguese islands quickly became home to sugar plantations. Spanish and Portuguese Exploration in the Americas Spanish Exploration Birth of the USA American Constitution American Independence War Causes of the American Revolution Democratic Republican Party General Thomas Gage biography Intolerable Acts Loyalists Powers of the President Quebec Act Seven Years' War Stamp Act Tea Party Cold War Battle of Dien Bien Phu Brezhnev Doctrine Brezhnev Era Although his first efforts against the Inca Empire in the 1520s failed, Pizarro captured the Inca emperor Atahualpa in 1532 and executed him one year later. The process where the Spanish and Portuguese Christians reclaim the Iberian Peninsula is called the Reconquista. In 1488, Bartholomeu Dias managed to make his way around the Cape of Good Hope at the southern tip of Africa. The Portuguese continued to focus on building trade networks and establishing a trading post empire without heavy colonization in direct contrast to the Spanish. In anticipation of winning his own honor and riches, Corts later explored the Yucatn Peninsula. Columbus also discovered tobacco seeds and brought the seeds back to Europe. Other explorers made their way up the California coast and across the American southeast. He also started a school The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal's explorers changed Europeans' understanding of the world in several ways. On October 12, 1492, however, he made landfall on an island in the Bahamas. This exchange benefitted Europeans more than Native Americans because Europeans spread smallpox , a deadly disease, to Native Americans when they came into contact with them. poway high school bell schedule 2021. Malintzin remains a controversial figure in the history of the Atlantic World; some people view her as a traitor because she helped Corts conquer the Aztecs, while others see her as a victim of European expansion. Along the way, the explorers were always on the lookout for gold and silver. The increased flow of silver altered the worldwide global trading both socially and economically. Baker Hughes (NYSE: BKR) is a leading energy technology company that design, manufacture and service transformative technologies to help take energy forward. THE SPANISH GOLDEN AGE The exploits of European explorers had a profound impact both in the Americas and back in Europe. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest - U.S. History An error occurred trying to load this video. . Far from being unified and content under Aztec rule, many peoples in Mexico resented it and were ready to rebel. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. Portugal explored because they needed spices and jewels and they wanted to conquer lands. SPANISH EXPLORATION.docx - Primary vs Secondary It didn't take long for other Spaniards to realize that Columbus had stumbled upon something completely new, and they decided to stay. succeed. Hernando de Soto had participated in Pizarros conquest of the Inca, and from 1539 to 1542 he led expeditions to what is today the southeastern United States, looking for gold. While the Portuguese remained focused on the establishment of trading networks, only turning to full colonization later, Spanish discoveries of established empires in North and South America led them to explore and subsequently expand their own empire with the intention of growing wealthier and spreading Catholicism. Learn key differences in what each country focused on when colonizing. The Portuguese took firm control of trade with the Far East. Ten years later, Francisco Pizarro traveled to Peru where he subsequently conquered the Incan Empire situated in the Andes Mountains. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. Amy has MA degrees in History, English, and Theology. In this context, evaluating mercury contamination in coastal sediments and mercury magnification in marine food webs is crucial for . 2.1: Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest Spanish and Portuguese Exploration Spain and Portugal were neighboring kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula and fierce competitors exploring the African coastline. During the winter of 154041, the explorers waged war against the Tiwa in present-day New Mexico. Why Did Europeans Want a New Route to Asia? - Spains acquisitiveness seemingly knew no bounds as groups of its explorers searched for the next trove of instant riches. An exchange of ideas, fueled and financed in part by New World commodities, began to connect European nations and, in turn, to touch the parts of the world that Europeans conquered. Treaty of Tordesillas | Overview & Significance | What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? Portugal & the Age of Exploration - World History Encyclopedia They explored the coasts of Africa and brought back gold and slaves. They started in the Caribbean with a settlement at Santo Domingo on Hispaniola in 1496 and moved on to other islands. The Spanish came to the New World first to have a Far East trading link. Along the way, they discovered plenty of ways to make a profit from their voyages, and pretty soon they were leaders in the gold and slave trades. The traditional European narrative of exploration presents the victory of the Spanish over the Aztec as an example of the superiority of the Europeans over the savage Indians. Today they highlight the difficult task of historical work; while the letters are primary sources, historians need to understand the context and the culture in which the conquistadors, as the Spanish adventurers came to be called, wrote them and distinguish their bias and subjective nature. Gold became the biggest source of income for the Portuguese crown. Key Explorers The key figure in early Portuguese exploration was Prince Henry, the son of King John I. Nicknamed "the Navigator," Henry was not an explorer himself. What were the effects of later Spanish exploration? - Short-Fact By the end of this section, you will be able to: Portuguese colonization of Atlantic islands in the 1400s inaugurated an era of aggressive European expansion across the Atlantic. Gallery. Although Portugal opened the door to exploration of the Atlantic World, Spanish explorers quickly made inroads into the Americas. It also marks an increased adoption of colonialism as a government policy in several European states. Malintzin translated for Corts in his dealings with Moctezuma and, whether willingly or under pressure, entered into a physical relationship with him. Her specialties include early modern European history, gender history, and music history. PDF EUROPEAN EXPLORATION 1400 1500 (Adapted from Discovery Education) The magnetic compass was a compass that had a magnetized needle supporting a magnetic card. Bartolome de Las Casas speaks with the Amerindians, then with the Spanish leaders. Spain and Portugal were considered to be the major exponents of The Age of Discovery, stretching from the early 15 th century to mid-17 th century. By What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? Huguenots Overview, History & Beliefs | Who were the Huguenots? The realization that the Amerindians in New Spain had large quantities of gold made mining the primary aim of many who came to the New World. The Portuguese Role in Exploring and Mapping the New World Any other uses, such as conference presentations, commercial training progams, news web sites or consulting reports, are FORBIDDEN. Other countries would soon follow suit with France and Spain founding colonies for trade connections and means of dealing with dissident religious groups in North America. This phenomenon is named after the physics of whip cracking. Spices, fabrics, and other luxuries flowed into Portugal and out to other European countries, and the Portuguese treasury swelled. Magellan's Circumnavigation of the Earth | Origins They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. De Gama's successful venture created a greater demand than ever before for overseas trades along the African coast. Why was exploration so important to Spain? A. Africans found a sea route around the world. Cortes took land from the Aztecs in what is today Mexico. This compass showed from four to eight directions. Spain wanted to explore the New World first to find a trade route to India as the Portuguese had. When Corts explored central Mexico, he encountered a region simmering with native conflict. Map showing the routes to the Far East. Essay Sample. One of this periods most famous works is the novel The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha, by Miguel de Cervantes. Spains most famous explorer, Christopher Columbus, was actually from Genoa, Italy. However, the overthrow of the Mongols by the Ottoman Empire had closed that border as the longstanding religious differences between Christian Europe and Muslim Ottomans allowed the old conflict to disrupt the flow of trade. They also found a sea route to India. Missionaries such as Toribio Motolinia and Bartolome de Las Casas brought Catholicism and advocated for the natives, though they fought an uphill battle. Over two centuries, the Spanish established an empire over two continents that changed the lives of the Amerindians, the very face of the land itself, and indeed, the entire world. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. He believed that, using calculations based on other mariners journeys, he could chart a westward route to India, which could be used to expand European trade and spread Christianity. After taking Cuba in 1511, the Spanish continued traveling further into the territory with the conquistador, Hernan Cortes, attacking the Aztec Empire in 1519, taking their capital of Tenochtitlan in 1521. Portuguese sailors continued to make important discoveries in this new arena as well. How did explorers born in Portugal impact the world? Europeans wanted to find their own trade routes and cut out the middle men, and with their better ships, maps, and navigational tools, they finally had the technology to do it. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Their son, Martn, may have been the first mestizo (person of mixed indigenous American and European descent). Hernando Corts was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas. Q. The natives quickly became the bulk of the workforce and were horribly abused despite Isabel's orders to the contrary. How Portugal Kicked Off the Age of Exploration - HISTORY Often I have sent two or three men ashore to some town to converse with them, and the natives came out in great numbers, and as soon as they saw our men arrive, fled without a moments delay although I protected them from all injury. Cartographers developed new ways of mapping. During the Spanish colonial era, ships frequently transported mercury across the Atlantic to the New World to be used in gold mining. Like Corts, Pizarro had to combat not only the natives of the new worlds he was conquering, but also competitors from his own country; a Spanish rival assassinated him in 1541. Part of this Age of Discovery was the creation of a new occupation, that of conquistador. In 1521, Hernando Corts conquered the Aztecs in Mexico, gaining a territory that was larger than Spain itself. It results in increased costs, higher production rates, and lower . Vasco de Gamas exploits successfully established a spice trade between Europe and India. When these expeditions began, Europeans knew virtually nothing about the area past Cape Bojador on. Open Document. 2.1 Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest - OpenStax Seeing the value of this source of labor in growing the profitable crop of sugar on their Atlantic islands, the Portuguese soon began exporting African slaves along with African ivory and gold. He believed the earth to be much smaller than its actual size and, since he did not know of the existence of the Americas, he fully expected to land in Asia. The Portuguese replaced Arab control of the trade in ivory, gold and slaves with their own. The Spanish and Portuguese developed a particular type of ship to trade in the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic. In the 1500s, Spain surpassed Portugal as the dominant European power. In the 1500s they had ships called Spanish Galleons that . Although the Portuguese originally used the fort primarily for trading gold, by the sixteenth century they had shifted their focus. Hispaniola is a marvel. In the 1540s, Francisco Vsquez de Coronado crossed the Rio Grande and traveled up the Colorado River. The Spanish started the trade of potatoes, pineapples, turkey, dahlias, sunflowers, magnolia, maize, chillies and chocolate across the Atlantic. The global flow of silver from the mid-sixteenth century to the early eighteenth century caused social and economic issues by creating social impact in China, changing the economic purpose for trading, and the overall exchange between the Chinese and European nations. Those who resisted were punished by a system called encomienda, in which natives were assigned to settlers through land grants as part of a deal. Merchants then used these Atlantic outposts as debarkation points for subsequent journeys. Spaniards captained the other three ships (San Antonio, Concepcin, and Victoria), and constant Spanish scheming against the Portuguese would have grave consequences for the voyage. Portugal got richer because of the Indian trade. When Vasco de Gama found a new route to India, the Portuguese were able to trade spices and jewels. Spanish Exploration and Colonization | flashcard sets. An exchange of ideas, fueled and financed in part by New World commodities, began to connect European nations and, in turn, to touch the parts of the world that Europeans conquered. Causes and Effects of Spanish Exploration and Colonization Spain played a critical part in the exploration and colonization of the Americas. Ottoman Turks controlled much of the land routes to the East, and they initially charged exorbitant taxes for traders to get through. This was especially true under the ecomienda system, whereby the Spanish built plantations for mining and farming and managed by Amerindian labor. Warfare by the Spanish, using guns, and forced labour in mines and on plantations also contributed. Tools Used By Spanish Ships In The 15th Century | Map of Columbus' first journey to the Americas. Menu and widgets Set in the Wizarding World universe, this game finally lets you explore the castle of Hogwarts and the surrounding area with near-limitless freedom. The Portuguese built an empire from 1420 onwards that was largely composed of trade centres dotted around the coasts of three continents. There were different reasons for the Spanish and Portuguese exploration, with the Portuguese establishing a trading post empire to protect their goods, and Spain focusing on empire-building. The Age of Exploration | History Quiz - Quizizz Which type of automated bidding strategy is Target CPA? what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration? All lands to the west of the line, identified as the Line of Demarcation, would be Spains. The Carrack or Nao (meaning ship) was developed as a fusion between Mediterranean and Northern European-style ships. The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal's explorers changed Europeans' understanding of the world in several ways. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. The Great Depression, 1929-1932, Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1941, Fighting the Good Fight in World War II, 1941-1945, Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960, Political Storms at Home and Abroad, 1968-1980, The Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. The seaports there are incredibly fine, as also the magnificent rivers, most of which bear gold. Treaty of Tordesillas - National Geographic Society The motives that spur human beings to examine their environment are many. European exploration, exploration of regions of Earth for scientific, commercial, religious, military, and other purposes by Europeans, beginning about the 4th century bce. Spain was unable to compete with Portugal throughout most of the 15th century as it was occupied with consolidating itself on the Iberian peninsula and defeating the Islamic empire that had been present since the early middle ages. . Above all else, the Aztec wealth in gold fascinated the Spanish adventurers. To those ends, Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored extensive Atlantic exploration. Elmina Castle on the west coast of Ghana was used as a holding pen for slaves before they were brought across the Atlantic and sold. They also found a sea route to India. The Spanish quickly set out to explore, conquer, and colonize, which was bad news for the Amerindians who got in their way as they launched their empire. Effects of Spanish Rule in North and South America: 1. Spain, in particular, produced a number of famous conquistadors who established the presence of the Spanish empire in Mexico, California, and Peru. Jul 22nd, 2021 Published. Portugal protested that the line gave excessively to Spain. He then sailed to an island he named Hispaniola (present-day Dominican Republic and Haiti) ([link]). Using the explorers first name as a label for the new landmass, Waldseemuller attached America to his map of the New World in 1507, and the name stuck. The Portuguese expanded in wealth and founded the international slave trade, an institution whose ramifications would haunt Atlantic history until the nineteenth century. Originally built by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century, it appears in this image as it was in the 1660s, after being seized by Dutch slave traders in 1637. YouTube Videos for Young Children: An Exploratory Study Ushered in a new age of sustained global contact; world connected through networks of exchange. Spanish and Portuguese Atlantic encounters set in motion the Columbian Exchange Columbian Exchange: The exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between Europe, Africa, and the Americas from first contact through the Age of Exploration (1500-1599). This map traces Coronados path through the American Southwest and the Great Plains. C. Africans sold spices to Portugal and Spain. Copies of the letter were soon circulating all over Europe, spreading news of the wondrous new land that Columbus had discovered. Columbus would make three more voyages over the next decade, establishing Spains first settlement in the New World on the island of Hispaniola. 1015 Words. There were new places to explore, room to spread out, and cultures and economies to discover and even control. Dutch & Spanish Dominance in South & Southeast Asia, The Italian Wars and Weakening of Papal Authority, Protestant Reformation on Germany | History, Effects & Impacts. Ecuador and Columbia fell to Spain later in the 1530s, and Chile succumbed in the 1540s. - Translation into English - examples Arabic